SSG is security outfit established in 2008 in Nigeria to provide professional security service with a fusion of traditional security experiences and the use of modern technological advancements as they continue to evolve; keeping us one step ahead of the competition.
Our corporate overview
SPY... read moreTECH SECURITY & GUARDS LIMITED is a registered Category 'A’ licensed security company under the provision of the Private Guard Company Act; CAP 367 of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1990, we provide effective and dynamic security services to serve businesses, government establishments, housing estates and international organizations, using state of the art equipment and well-trained security personnel.
Spytech is poised to provide intelligent, diligent, straightforward, alert and personnel with good physique. Our men provide top class security services with effective safety and security skills to the letter in spirit. Our company’s staff and personnel are all trained to work as a T E A M in order to ensure proper execution of their professional duties.
Spytech is a combination of well built selected personnel; our system of recruitment is thoughtful, thorough, and precise. The characters and antecedents of our security personnel are verified through personal background checks and authorized police registration. Every personnel is put through extensive training to ensure they are properly equipped to diligently perform their duties.
We carry out risk assessment on client to client bases to ensure a professionally tailored and effective delivery our security service which offers complete security solutions, consultancy, trained security with the application of the most advanced and innovative security technologies available in the industry. This is possible due to our expertise and continuous investment in R&D to ensure that we remain at the fore front of changes that continue to shape the future of our industry; as our goal is safeguarding lives and properties we have been entrusted with.
We are dedicated to delivering the very best international standard service; As a result we maintain a relationship with various national, international security organizations and NGOs like the Nigerian Police Force, The Ministry of Defense, The Civil Defense Corps, The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Security Industry Authority (UK) and ASIS International.
We are seeking hardworking, trustworthy, and dedicated individuals to man the property of our clients thereby helping protect lives, properties, and information.
Kindly apply if interested and the