Reports to: Technical Lead, Maternal and Newborn Health/Family Planning and Reproductive Health
Project: USAID-funded Integrated Health Program being implemented in Kebbi, Sokoto and Bauchi
Slot: 5-6 trainers per state
Subject RFP #
- TO4/217727/Consultancy/Fixed Price Contract-2020-0003,
- TO5/217727/Consultancy/Fixed Price Contract-2020-0003,
- TO3/217727/Consultancy/Fixed Price Contract-2020-0003
- Jhpiego invites applications from qualified OB/GYN training consultants to organize and facilitate six-day trainings on CEmONC for doctors and midwives from selected Secondary hospitals / General Hospitals (GHs) in three IHP-supported states: Kebbi (11 GHs), Sokoto (11 GHs) and Bauchi (14 GHs).
- IHP is seeking 5 - 6 CEmONC consultant trainers per State.
Brief Background
- USAID Integrated Health Program in Kebbi, Bauchi and Sokoto States
- The USAID Integrated Health Program (IHP) task orders 3, 4, and 5 are multi-year, reproductive health/family planning, maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition, and malaria (RMNCH+NM) programs being implemented in Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto States respectively.
- As briefly summarized below, Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto states have poor maternal and perinatal health indices due in part to low coverage and poor quality of antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal routine and complications care.
- IHP aims to contribute to State level reductions in maternal and child morbidity and mortality and to increase the capacity of health systems (public and private) to sustainably support quality primary health care (PHC) services for RMNCH+NM, including linkages to high-quality secondary healthcare services for women, newborns and children with complications requiring higher-level care. The three objectives of IHP are to:
- Strengthen systems supporting primary health care services
- Improve access to primary health care services
- Increase the quality of primary health care services
- To improve quality of primary health care services (objective 3), IHP is supporting the State Government, SPHCDA and other partners in each of the 3 states to implement a range of activities in selected Primary Health Centers, including building the capacity of PHC providers (training, mentoring, supervision) to provide essential RMNCH care including prompt recognition, stabilizing measures and referral of women and newborns with complications.
- As a complement to provider capacity building, IHP is also supporting local health system strengthening and QI efforts to improve RMNCH care in PHCs, including linkages to secondary care for women and newborns with complications.
- In collaboration with Bauchi, Sokoto and Kebbi state governments, IHP intends to conduct onsite competency-based CEmONC training for medical officers and midwives (80 per state) working at selected general hospitals, with a special focus on safe caesarean (including emergency caesarean hysterectomy) and safe blood transfusion. The training will take place in 14 GHs in Bauchi: 12 GHs in Sokoto and 11 GHs in Kebbi.
- IHP is seeking 5 - 6 CEmONC training consultants per State. As a member of a team, the consultant will lead an on-site 6-day CEmONC training session to build the capacity of medical officers and midwives on CEmONC in selected IHP supported general hospitals in one of the 3 IHP supported states.
- Each consultant trainer will conduct 6-day CEmONC training in 2-3 GHs (depending on the number of general hospitals per State).
- There will be approximately 5-6 participants in each CEmONC training; thus each of the 5-6 CEmONC training consultants per state will train approximately 12-16 doctors/midwives/nurses in each state.
Scope of Work
- The scope of the consultancy is to build the capacity of an average of 6 (six) healthcare workers (doctors, nurses and midwives) onsite at their health facilities (General Hospitals), to provide evidence-based CEmONC services with special focus on safe caesarean surgery, emergency caesarean hysterectomy, uncontrolled postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), newborn care and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E).
- The participants will be selected from IHP supported General Hospitals (GHs) in 3 IHP focus states: Bauchi (14 GHs), Kebbi (11 GHs) and Sokoto (11 GHs). Each consultant will be required to conduct this onsite training at 2 – 3 GHs in the selected state of choice. Each cohort of healthcare workers will be trained onsite for 6 days per training session.
Specific Objectives
By the end of each 6-day CEmONC training session learners will demonstrate competency at a minimum standard in the following areas:
- Provision of safe caesarean, emergency caesarean hysterectomy and safe blood transfusion services, including clinical decision-making to determine when these interventions are appropriate and needed
- Knowledge and demonstrated skills to prevent promptly detect and manage post-partum haemorrhage.
- Knowledge and demonstrated skills to detect and promptly manage pre-eclampsia/eclampsia.
- Early detection and management newborns with asphyxia, including resuscitation with bag and mask
- Demonstrated skills to provide respectful maternity care for women and newborns, including effective communication with women and families, emotional support and respect for the dignity and rights of women and newborns including consented care and absence of mistreatment (e.g. verbal abuse)
Scope of work - Key Tasks:
- Actively participate in an IHP organized one-week training-of-trainers’ competencies standardization workshop.
- Work with IHP to develop Operational Training Plan (as per the deliverable requirements below). Work closely with the technical IHP staff (RMNH/FP technical lead, State Technical Directors, Integrated PHC Advisors, Integrated Supportive Supervision and Quality Improvement Specialists) to develop the Operational Training Plan and any follow-on support.
- Use the IHP training preparation checklist to support advance preparation for the training
- In conjunction with IHP conduct an advance visit to clinical training site the day before the training.
- Set up simulation stations as required for the training.
- Facilitate the clinical skills training using ‘hands-on’, interactive, competency-based, training approaches and methodology.
- Identify a peer practice coordinator (a high performing participant in each health facility) and orient this person to provide continuing post-training support in each facility
- Administer pre and post knowledge, questionnaire and skills’ assessment to assess knowledge and skills of learners before and after the training.
- Carry out any other related tasks that may be necessary to facilitate the training activity and delivering high-quality training.
- Knowledge and skills scope of training
- Provision of Respectful maternity care during antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal periods.
- Immediate recognition and management of neonates with asphyxia, including resuscitation with bag and mask
- Early detection and management of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia during antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period, including evidence-based clinical decision-making based on severity of PE/E, health status of woman and fetus and gestational age, with use of parenteral anticonvulsants and timely delivery for women with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia
- Evidence-based safe caesarean and caesarean emergency hysterectomy including pre and post-operative care, team-based intrapartum care and appropriate surgical technique:
- Pre-operative preparation
- Caesarean Section
- Caesarean hysterectomy
- Post-operative care
Early detection and prompt management of Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia including:
- Assessment and management of PE/E risk factors during ANC (e.g. chronic and gestational hypertension, diabetes, anemia, obesity)
- Prompt recognition of PE/E symptoms and appropriate diagnosis of PE/E severity based on health status of woman and fetus, during the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period
- Appropriate management of PE/E based on maternal and foetal status and gestational age
- Provision of parenteral Magnesium Sulphate for severe PE/E and eclampsia and timely delivery of pregnant women with severe PE/E and unstable status
Prevention and Management of post-partum haemorrhage including:
- Provision of high-quality ANC services, including assessment and control of anaemia and other preventable risk factors for PPH
- Active management of 3rd stage of labour (prophylactic uteronic immediately after delivery)
- Non-pneumatic Anti-shock garment.
- Bimanual uterine compression (Internal and external).
- Repair of genital lacerations
- B-Lynch suture
- Emergency hysterectomy (uncontrolled PPH despite all other measures)
IHP Responsibilities
- IHP will provide a training curriculum and learning resource package, including agenda, power point presentations, checklists, pre- and post-tests, anatomical models and simulation exercises.
- IHP in collaboration with State Ministry of Health will identify trainees at the selected health facilities in advance of the training.
- IHP will provide a training of trainers to standardize skills of selected expert trainers and familiarize trainers with learning materials.
Type of Contract:
- This is a firm-fixed-price deliverable-based contract. The consultant is expected to satisfactorily accomplish each deliverable before being paid for the deliverable.
- The Country Director, Jhpiego Nigeria, reserves the right to confirm if a deliverable is delivered adequately or otherwise. No price change is expected after contract is signed. IHP will not pay for cost of any deliverable that is not complete, of quality or on time.
Anticipated Contract Term:
- The anticipated performance period for the consultancy is June 8, 2020 to September 30, 2020. As a firm fixed price consultancy based on deliverables, Jhpiego will only pay for deliverables that have met the standards and expectations of the program and are delivered within assigned timelines.
Required Qualifications
- Registered and practicing Obstetrician/Gynaecologist with at least 5 years post-qualification working experience.
- Previous and ongoing provision of CEmONC services in a facility
- Previous experience conducting CEmONC training especially within the last 24 months or a current faculty member/trainer in an obstetrics residency training program
- Up-to-date annual practicing license with Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.
- Strong coaching, mentoring and facilitation skills
- Strong analytical and communication skills.
Terms of Consultancy
- The consultant is expected to submit the consultancy deliverables (outlined below) to the IHP State Technical Director. Please note that the data emanating from the IHP and the workshop training as well as the learning resource packages that will be made available to successful applicants are the exclusive property of IHP and shall not be shared or published by contracted consultants (with the exception of branded training materials available in the public domain.) The ultimate approver of all deliverables is the Country Director, Jhpiego-Nigeria before any payment will be made.
- Management: The IHP State Technical Director in each State (Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto) will serve as the focal point for contracted consultants. Technical leadership, direction and oversight will be provided by the Technical lead, Maternal and Newborn Health/Family Planning, Abuja Office. Any required meetings with government and other partners as part of this consultancy must be arranged by IHP and not the consultant.
- This is a fully loaded fixed price contract for the consultancy. This means that all costs for the consultant must be included in the cost proposal, including air/other travel to the States, local transportation, meals and incidentals, and hotel accommodation. IHP will cover all on-site training costs, site readiness and participant costs (if any).
Outputs and Deliverables
Deliverable 1: Prior to the commencement of training in designated sites:
- Operational training plan(s) developed and submitted at least 2 days before the commencement of the training. The Operational Training Plan should be developed in collaboration with IHP staff, and include: dates of training, training site(s), selection of targeted facilities, lists of provider participants.
- Participate in an IHP-organized one-week Training of Trainers (Skills standardization training workshop) using training curriculum and materials that will be used during consultant-led training sessions
- Deliverable 2: Within 2 weeks of the final training session submission of a training report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions led by the consultant (dates, sites, participants), results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participant (and assessment methods/tools used); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; action plans and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining providers’ CEmONC competencies. Final report appendices should include:
- Action photographs
- Pre and post-training knowledge and skills test scripts (? Scores)
- Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
- Copies of facility action plans
- Original signed attendance sheets.
Sokoto Activity: Milestone for payment is the completion of all 3 deliverables:
- Approved Operational Training Plan submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training that includes: dates of training, names of health facilities for training, and list of participants
- Training in Sokoto. 6-day skills-based onsite training on CEmONC conducted for an average of 6 trainees per health facility at a total of 2 – 3 health facilities.
- Final Training Report for Sokoto State. Within 2 weeks of the final training session: A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used ); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining provider skills for provision of safe blood transfusion component of CEmONC services. Final report appendices should include:
- Action photographs
- Pre and post-training knowledge and skills test scripts
- Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
- Copies of facility action plans
- Original signed attendance sheets.
Kebbi Activity: Milestone for payment is the completion of all 3 deliverables:
- Approved Operational Training Plan submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training that includes: dates of training, names of health facilities for training, and list of participants.
- Training in Kebbi: 6-day skills-based onsite training on CEmONC conducted for an average of 6 trainees per health facility at a total of 2 – 3 health facilities.
- Final Training Report for Kebbi State. Within 2 weeks of the final training session: A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining provider skills for provision of safe blood transfusion of CEmONC services. Final report appendices should include:
- Action photographs
- Pre and post training knowledge and skills test scripts
- Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
- Copies of facility action plans
- Original signed attendance sheets.
Bauchi Activity: Milestone for payment is the completion of all 3 deliverables:
- Approved Operational Training Plan submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training that includes: dates of training, names of health facilities for training and list of participants.
- Training in Bauchi: 6-day skills-based onsite training on CEmONC conducted for an average of 6 trainees per health facility for a total of 2 – 3 batches of trainees.
- Final Training Report for Bauchi State. within 2 weeks of the final training session: A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining provider skills for provision of safe blood transfusion of CEmONC services. Final report appendices should include:
- Action photographs
- Pre and post training knowledge and skills test scripts
- Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
- Copies of facility action plans
- Original signed attendance sheets.
Terms and Conditions
Proposal Conditions:
- By submitting a proposal, potential consultants are bound by these terms and conditions. Potential consultants must submit offers with all details provided in English and with prices quoted in a single currency.
Proposal Lodgement:
- The Company may grant extensions to the Closing Time at its discretion. The Company will not consider any quotes received after the Closing Time specified in the RFP unless the Company determines to do so otherwise at its sole discretion.
- The Company may review all proposal to confirm compliance with this RFP and to determine the best proposal in the circumstances.
- The Company may decline to consider a proposal in which there are alterations, erasures, illegibility, ambiguity or incomplete details.
The Company’s Rights:
- The Company may, at its discretion, discontinue the RFP; decline to accept any proposal; terminate, extend or vary its selection process; decline to issue any contract; seek information or negotiate with any potential consultant that has not been invited to submit a proposal; satisfy its requirement separately from the RFP process; terminate negotiations at any time and commence negotiations with any other potential consultants; evaluate proposals as the Company sees appropriate (including with reference to information provided by the prospective consultants or from a third party); and negotiate with any one or more potential consultants.
Amendments and Queries:
- The Company may amend or clarify any aspect of the RFP prior to the RFP Closing Time by issuing an amendment to the RFP in the same manner as the original RFP was distributed. Such amendments or clarifications will, as far as is practicable be issued simultaneously to all parties.
- Any queries regarding this RFP should be directed to the Contact Person identified on the cover page of this RFP.
- The Company may, at any time prior to the execution of a contract, seek clarification or additional information from, and enter into discussions and negotiations with, any or all potential suppliers in relation to their proposals. In doing so, the Company will not allow any potential supplier to substantially tailor or amend their proposal.
- In their proposal, potential consultants must identify any aspects of their proposal that they consider should be kept confidential, with reasons. Potential consultants should note that the Company will only agree to treat information as confidential in cases that it considers appropriate. In the absence of such an agreement, potential consultants acknowledge that the Company has the right to disclose the information contained in their proposal.
- The potential consultants acknowledge that in the course of this RFP, it may become acquainted with or have access to the Company’s Confidential Information (including the existence and terms of this RFP and the TOR). It agrees to maintain the confidence of the Confidential Information and to prevent its unauthorised disclosure to any other person. If the potential consultants is required to disclose Confidential Information due to a relevant law or legal proceedings, it will provide reasonable notice of such disclosure to the Company. The parties agree that this obligation applies during the RFP and after the completion of the process.
- Potential consultants may submit proposals for alternative methods of addressing the Company’s requirement described in the RFP where the option to do so was stated in the RFP or agreed in writing with the Company prior to the RFP Closing Time. Potential consultants are responsible for providing a sufficient level of detail about the alternative solution to enable its evaluation.
Reference Material:
- If the RFP references any other materials including, but not limited to, reports, plans, drawings, samples or other reference material, the potential consultants is responsible for obtaining the referenced material and considering it in framing their proposal. And provide it to the Company upon request.
Price/Cost Basis:
- Prices or costs quoted must show the tax-exclusive price, the tax component and the tax-inclusive price.
- The contract price, which must include any and all taxes, supplier charges and costs, will be the maximum price payable by the Company for the Goods and/or Services.
Financial information:
- If requested by the Company, potential suppliers must be able to demonstrate their financial stability and ability to remain viable as a provider of the Goods and/or Services over the term of any agreement.
- If requested by the Company, the potential consultant must promptly provide the Company with such information or documentation as the Company reasonably requires in order to evaluate the potential consultant’s financial stability.
- The Company reserves the right to contact the potential consultants’ referees, or any other person, directly and without notifying the potential consultant.
Conflict of interest:
- Potential consultants must notify the Company immediately if any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest arises (a perceived conflict of interest is one in which a reasonable person would think that the person’s judgement and/or actions are likely to be compromised, whether due to a financial or personal interest (including those of family members) in the procurement or the Company).
- If there is an inconsistency between any of the parts of the RFP the following order of precedence shall apply:
- These Terms and Conditions;
- The first page of this RFP; and
- The Schedule
- So that the provision in the higher-ranked document will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
Collusion and Unlawful Inducements:
- Potential consultants and their officers, employees, agents and advisors must not engage in any collusive, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other potential supplier or person or quote any unlawful inducements in relation to their proposal or the RFP process.
- Potential consultants must disclose where proposals have been compiled with the assistance of current or former the Company employees (within the previous 9 months and who was substantially involved in the design, preparation, appraisal, review, and or daily management of this activity) and should note that this may exclude their proposal from consideration.
- Potential consultants’ suppliers warrant that they have not provided or offered any payment, gift, item, hospitality or any other benefit to the Company, its employees, consultants, agents, subcontractors (or any other person involved in the decision-making process relating to this RFP) which could give arise to a perception of bribery or corruption in relation to the RFP or any other dealings between the parties.
Due Diligence Requirements:
Restrictions for debarred or otherwise prohibited companies:
- As a USAID funded project, IHP does not partner with any debarred individuals or companies. Therefore, candidates and companies will be subjected to the approved systems of search which Jhpiego uses for vetting and certifying that potential contractors are not debarred.
Availability of Specific Registrations or Licenses to perform the Service:
- For Companies Application, contractors are required to submit their certificates of incorporation and any other industry certificates which enables them to operate in Nigeria and in the industry of this SOW.
- The Company must have a DUNS number or obtain one within 5 days of being notified of selection (see Attachment C for instructions for obtaining DUNS number).
Evaluation and Award Process
This is a Best Value Procurement. Jhpiego uses “Best value" to select the most advantageous offers by evaluating and comparing multiple factors including the strength of the proposal, applicant qualifications and cost or price.
Evaluation criteria and weighting include:
Technical and Management Approach – 20 points:
- Experience of the consultant.
- Demonstrates strong understanding of the work required
- Demonstrates knowledge of the global and Nigeria best practices in obstetrics especially with the
- List of deliverables with tentative due dates/timelines.
Qualifications – 20 points:
- Educational background with evidence of degrees
- Professional qualifications (relevant to the consultancy) with certificates, licenses and other documentation
- Technical competencies relevant to this consultancy
Past performance – 10 points
- Evidence of quality of past work (letters of reference/recommendations, performance reviews)
- Samples of work done (reports, publications)
- Other evidence of the quality of work and timeliness of work.
Past Experience – 20 points:
- Key relevant achievements and capabilities
- Previous work experience (long and short term) relevant to this assignment
- Number of years of demonstrated practical and progressive experience
- Past experience working or providing technical support and capacity building/mentoring to the government or non-governmental organizations.
Price – 30 points:
- Financial proposal that includes cost per deliverable with total cost per deliverable broken down by: daily rate, travel, accommodation, per diem, material, communication(adherence to USAID cost principles – allowable, allocable and reasonable)
Total Possible – 100 points:
- Jhpiego reserves the right to award under this solicitation without further negotiations. The offerors are encouraged to offer their best terms and prices with the original submission.
Interested and qualified candidates are expected to submit a Technical and a Financial proposal in two separate emails to: specifying in the email title whether "Technical Proposal" or "Financial Proposal" and including the RFP number as it appears on the cover page in the email title. Applications received will be valid for six months.
Click here for more information
Instructions to the Offerors for Preparation of Technical and Financial Proposal
Technical Proposal
Must include the following sections relevant to the consultancy SOW (font size -11, font type – Arial):
- Brief statement of understanding of the consultancy scope/Cover letter specifying applicant’s State of interest (Bauchi, Kebbi or Sokoto) (1 page)
- Curriculum vitae/Resume (not more than 3 pages) indicating the following:
- Applicant’s technical competence in the subject area with respect to provision of obstetrics anaesthesia (current, past).
- Experience (current, past) leading/providing competency-based obstetrics anaesthesia training (pre-service or in-service) for nurse anaesthetists, midwives and doctors at any of the 3 levels of healthcare system.
- Educational qualifications,
- Past and current relevant clinical practice experience providing obstetrics anaesthesia services.
- Three referees and their contact details:
- Name, Occupation, Designation, Contact Address, Phone number (s), email address.
- Draft training agenda/training curriculum (not more than 2 pages per thematic area).
- Description of training methodology (not more than 1 page).
- Scanned copies of educational and professional credentials.
Financial Proposal:
- Detailing costs to be incurred with respect of the deliverables to be accomplished. Details of costs should be provided, which may include the following (not more than 1 page): professional rate (consultancy fees), travel/transportation costs, hotel accommodation, per diem, training materials, communication costs (adherence to USAID cost principles - allowable, allocable, reasonable, and supported with evidence of past rates). No lumpsum cost will be accepted.
Selected candidates will be required to sign certifications: Terrorism, Anti-Kick Back, Debarment, Foreign corrupt Practices Act.
Important Information / Notice
- Final payment is contingent on the submission of all deliverables and approval by Country Director, Jhpiego-Nigeria. This is a fixed price contract and payment is dependent on the accomplishment of deliverables and within the set time. No price change is expected after the contract is signed. IHP will not pay for the cost of deliverable that is not delivered well and on time.
- Thank you for your interest in the above procurement. As technical lead and implementer of the requested USAID Integrated Health program CEmONC training activities, Jhpiego invites you to submit a proposal for the terms of reference below. Your proposal must be valid for the Validity Period.
- Please submit your proposal in accordance with the Details for Submission above by the Closing Date and Time. This RFP in no way obligates Jhpiego to award a contract nor does it commit Jhpiego to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Jhpiego bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes.
- We look forward to your response. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail: Please reference the RFP number on the subject of the email.