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  • Posted: Jun 14, 2022
    Deadline: Jun 20, 2022
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    Grow strong Foundation (GSF) is a Non- Profit Organization Established in 2017 and incorporated in 2018 with registration number RC 106092. We believe in promoting and protecting the welfare of vulnerable people from all forms of social, economic, and emotional discrimination through Peace Building, Education, Protection, health care, advocacy and sensitization, and awareness programs.
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    Logistic Officer

    Salary: N150,000 - N200,000

    logistic Officer
    Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States Admin and Finance Manager

    N150,000 to 200,000 Monthly

    Purpose: This position works in transportation or store housing of goods. Processes orders and oversees cycle of order fulfilment. Responsible for making sure supplies, stock, materials, packages, and/or products are processed through the delivery and/or storehouse system efficiently and safely.

    Job Responsibilities:

    Process purchase orders for materials and subcontract labor, monitor procurement, shipping, and delivery of materials for all needs.

    Work with suppliers/Vendors to know product availability and assure competitive pricing.

    • Communicate current pricing and availability to Project coordinators.

    • Proactively manage project materials cost against estimated project costs to ensure margin/profit objectives are met or exceeded.

    • Tracking of material deliveries, collection and storing of all documents in a timely and cost-effective manner

    • Assist estimators in applying accurate and current materials costs to estimates and change orders for budget

    • Assist Program and Finance managers to insure accurate and timely invoicing and monitor procurement of materials for all needs

    • Procure any necessary specialty materials as directed by management.

    • Responsibleofshipping,trackingandreceivingofallprojectrelatedmaterials.

    • AssistAdmin&financemanagerinschedulingandcoordinatingwithvendors and subcontractors’ materials delivery

    • Keep the project team well informed of any changes or updates in material availability

    • Assist project team in developing and maintaining project process related documents as well as monitoring compliance of projects with established procedures

    • Update project folders with all notes, technical documents, and quotes as appropriate

    • Ensure all GSF’s fleet vehicles are kept to safety standards, coordinate and schedule all scheduled maintenance and required service, includes insuring vehicles are clean and fueled at all times.

    • Maintain the cleanliness and organization of the office of the warehouse/Store and Other duties assign

    Essential Criteria

    • Ability to take care of the teams’needs

    • Communication, Oral - Ability to communicate effectively with others using the spoken word

    • Business Acumen - Ability to grasp and understand business concepts and issues

    • Analytical Skills - Ability to use thinking and reasoning to solve a problem

    • Relationship Building-Ability to effectively build relationships with customers and co-workers

    • Negotiation Skills - Ability to reach outcomes that gain the support and acceptance of all parties

    • Self-Motivated-Abilitytobeinternallyinspiredtoperformatasktothebest of one’s ability using his or her own drive or initiative

    • Energetic - Ability to work at a sustained pace and produce quality work

    • Honesty / Integrity - Ability to be truthful and be seen as credible in the workplace

    • Communication, Written - Ability to communicate in writing clearly and concisely

    • Innovative - Ability to look beyond the standard solutions

    • Goal-oriented -Abilitytofocusonagoalandobtainapre-determined result

    • Self-Confident-Thetraitofbeingcomfortableinmakingdecisionsforoneself

    Method of Application

    Interested candidate should send his or her application with CV, Motivation letter to Grow Strong Foundation (GSF) email;

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