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How to Apply for Jobs Using Email

Updated on Dec 08, 2020 29072 views
How to Apply for Jobs Using Email


Lesson 2: How to Apply for Jobs through Email

Table of Contents

1. Getting your document ready and saving them in the right format.

2. Write an Email cover letter.

3. Include a subject line.

4. Adding signature to youe email.

5. Proof-reading your email before reading.

Course Navigation

Go back to lesson 1 - Basic Email Etiquette for job seekers
Jump to lesson 3 - Tips for Landing Your Dream Job with A cold Email.
Jump to lesson 4 - How to Appropriately Use Email Functions to Send an Effective Mail.
Jump to lesson 5 - How to Recall/Replace an Email You Sent.


How to Apply for Jobs through Email

In the previous lesson, we showed you how you can create a professional email account, further in the lesson you also learned how to brand your email account so that it reflects your personality.

Now, let’s see how you can send an application that will catch the interest of a recruiter using the email account that you created earlier.

When you are applying for a job using your email you have to treat it like a regular application; this means that you have to be as formal as you would be when you are applying directly.

There are different things you need to consider when applying for a job through email, which are:


Make sure all your document are ready

Before you start applying for a job with your email, you have to make sure all your documents are ready. By document we mean your CV and cover letter. (If you find CV writing challenging, see CV templates you can use)

So how do you get them ready?

Since you are going to be attaching your CV and cover letter to your mail, then these documents must be in the right file format. Your document should either be sent as a PDF or as a word document. 

The question here is how do you save your document as a PDF?

Saving your document as PDF file to an extent has to do with the word processing software that you have. To save your document as PDF, you may be able to go to file, select print to adobe or go to file, select save as and then choose the PDF option. 

Go to file,



Select “save as”


Then choose the PDF option;


If you find it a bit challenging to save your documents as PDF, then there are some programs that can help you convert your word document to a PDF file. You would find this programs helpful:

  • PDFelement Pro for Windows.
  • 7-PDF Maker.
  • PrimoPDF.
  • BullZip PDF Printer.
  • doPDF.

Why should you save your document as PDF?

Saving your document as PDF will help you ensure that no formatting error appears if the person opening the document has a different operating system from your own.

Once you have gotten your document ready, then is time to move to the next thing; which is writing an email cover letter.


WAIT A MINUTE! Before you apply for a job today, see all you need to get one fast. Click here to learn more.  


Write an Email Cover Letter

When you are applying for a job, it is good you write a good cover letter to express your intent to the employer. You can directly write a cover letter in the body of the mail or attach it as a document. Whichever method you decide to use, make sure you follow the application instructions. 

How do you write a cover letter directly in the body of your mail?

Writing your cover letter in the body of your mail is simple; 

First, open your email account (this will require you to log on the email site and type in your username and password).

Once you have opened your email account the next step is for you to click on the "message" icon or click on the "file" icon, new, then message. 

If you are using Gmail, then click on.



“Compose” then you will see a text box that will enable you to type in your text. Once you are done, you can click on send.

What to include in the body of your email/what employers look forward to seeing

It is important to understand what an employer looks forward to seeing in a particular job mail before you even start writing. Reading the job description carefully will give you an idea. 

The body of your job email should include the following:

  • Your purpose of the writing the mail.
  • The job you are applying for.
  • Why you are a great candidate for the job.
  • How the reader can connect with you. 

If you are not clear on how you can send a job email for your application, then the sample below will guide you through the process. 

You can also make use of some text formatting features to format your text in the text box. These are the text formatting features you will see on G mail.



Job Application Email Sample

Subject: John Samuels – Communications Executive


Dear Mr. /Ms. ,

I am interested in applying for the Communications Executive position you advertised on your company’s site recently. The job requirement matches with my qualification and experience.

I am a recent graduate of English and Mass Communication and I am currently looking to apply my knowledge and skills in a reputable organization like ABC Group of Companies.

Please take a minute to go through the attached cover letter and CV for your consideration. It would be a pleasure if I can hear back from you regarding my job application.



(The following information can be included in your signature if you have created one already).


Include a subject line

One important thing to always remember when you are applying for a job through your email is to include a subject line. Many job seekers are fond of just attaching their document and then sending their application.

Adding a subject line to your mail gives the receiver an idea of what the mail is all about before they read the content or open the attachment. This is what a subject line looks like;



Sometimes, you might be asked to use a particular subject line as part of the application instructions. If the application doesn’t specify the subject line, make sure your subject line explains to the reader who you are and the job that you are applying for.

If you are applying for the position of a communication executive, then your subject line can be something like this; Communications Executive Position - Your Name.

What is the danger of not including a subject line to your mail?

When you leave your subject line blank, your email may end up being ignored, marked as spam or even deleted.

When you leave the subject line blank, your email may end up marked as spam or even deleted. Since the reader may not be familiar with your name, the subject line is an opportunity to introduce yourself.

If you are using Gmail, this where you should add your subject line.


Add a signature

An email signature gives more information about you. You need to add an email signature with your contact information so that it is easy for companies to reach you.

When creating your email signature, include your email address, your phone number and your full name so that the reader can know how to reach you at a glance.

How do you add a signature to your email? 

Adding a signature to your email is simple, all you need to do is to click on the signature tab and then add your contact details and name. 

If you are using Gmail, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on the settings icon at the top right corner of the menu bar.

Step 2: A drop-down menu will appear, then click on “setting” then see all settings.


Step 3: In the “signature” section, add your signature text in the box. Depending on your preference, you can format your message by adding an image or changing the text style. If you have already designed a signature image, you can import/insert your image.

Step 4: At the bottom of the page click save changes.


Attach a resume and cover letter

Once you are done with every other thing, you would need to attach your CV and cover letter to your message.

If you use yahoo mail, click on the “New” button to compose a new message. Then click on the “Attach Files” button that is right under the subject line. Instead of immediately bringing you to your documents, Yahoo! Will present you with several “Choose File” buttons.

If you are using a Gmail account, all you need to do is to simply click the paper clip icon to add your document to the message.



Always indicate that you have attached some files to your mail. You can indicate with a text like; “Please find attached documents” to make your reader aware that some files are attached, if not your attachment may not be seen at all.


Proof read before sending your application

Right before you click on the “send” button make sure you proof-read your message for spellings and grammar errors. Check your message to be sure you have added a subject line, signature, and have also attached all the files you need to attach. 

You can send a test message to yourself to be sure all your attachment came through and are also correct. 

As you have learned in this lesson, always remember to keep your email short and professional. It is good you focus more on quality than your number of words as this doesn’t add value to the recruiter.

Sending a professional job email can be easy following the steps above.

Hope this was helpful, click previous to read the previous lesson on email etiquette and next to read the next lesson. 


Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

1 Comment(s)

  • Ochuko Evidence
    Ochuko Evidence Apr 13, 2023

    A lot of people today use Yahoo Mail.  is one of the various features of the Yahoo mail tool. so how can I sign out of Yahoo mail? 

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