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In the famous words of Tian Wei, "any society that fails to harness the energy and creativity of its women is at a huge disadvantage in the modern world”. Nigeria today is at a disadvantage due to the vast socioeconomic disparities that stretch within and beyond regional frontiers. These enormous diversities in living conditions and opportunities are of utmost concern. Similar to many developing countries around the world, the story of gender inequality is not new. Nigerian women are amongst the most marginalized and experience barriers in every aspect of our society, with most having little or no access to education, resources and opportunities. The significant gender gaps in education, economic empowerment and political participation in Nigeria are glaring and are cyclical. Discriminatory laws and practices, violence against women and gender stereotypes hinder greater progress towards gender equality.
Designing social media strategies to achieve marketing targets
Managing, creating and publishing original, high quality content on social platforms
Administering all company social media accounts to ensure up-to-date content
social media strategist job description
Job brief
We are looking for a qualified Social media strategist to join our team. You will develop and implement a comprehensive social media strategy to increase our web traffic and our brand awareness.
As a Social media strategist, you should have excellent multitasking skills to handle all of our social media accounts in a cohesive way. If you have a creative way of thinking and of presenting our brand through multiple social media channels, we would like to make you part of our team.
Ultimately, you should be able to ensure our company web presence is aligned with our marketing strategies.
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