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MyJobMag 30 Day Work Challenge: Day 4 - Know Your Products and Services

Updated on May 23, 2019 2860 views
MyJobMag 30 Day Work Challenge: Day 4 - Know Your Products and Services

Welcome to Day 4 of the 30 Day Work Challenge. The 30 Day Work Challenge is designed to help you get your footing solid either you are starting a new job or as a new manager. You can tweet at us @myjobmag to let us know how you are doing or if you have any questions.

So ready for today’s challenge?

Nothing is worse than having zero knowledge about the company’s product and services. And the earlier you make intentional effort to learn about the company’s product and services, the better.

You see, most companies have different products and services that they want to be successful; however, there is this core product or group of products that are like the cash cow for them. This is the product(s) that bring in the highest revenue. Therefore, you need to be familiar with this fact.

But, I want you to take it further. I also want you to know some other products they are working on, what stage they are in and how if successful will contribute to the bottom line of the company. The goal is to know as much as you can about the business. Remember that you are a leader and leadership is not by title. Having proper knowledge about how the company makes money is crucial as you are going to know how your efforts are contributing to the bottom line and what you should be focusing on in your role.

Now that is all for today’s challenge. Join us on our LinkedIn or Facebook and let us know how you are faring.

Missed any of the challenges? Catch up with Day 2 and Day 3 of MyJobMag 30 Day Work Challenge

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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