Are you thinking of becoming a social media expert?
Then you are in the right place.
According to LinkedIn, there are over 23,133,350 acclaimed social media marketers in the world. So if you really want to stand out, what should you be doing?
Well, there are tons of advice, tip and articles on social media, we decided to reach out to a set of successful social media marketers who have been tested and tried in the industry and ask them one simple question.
"What is the one piece of (uncommon/unique) advice for someone who wants to become an expert in social media marketing"
Their answers are what you will see in the expert roundup below.Either you are practicing social media as a business or you are working as a social media marketer in a company, I am sure you will find something useful in this timeless piece of social media marketing advice.
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Name: Janice Wald
Website: MostlyBlogging
Twitter: @MrsPaznanski
You have to get your brand to stand out. There is a lot of noise-- the internet is overcrowded, to say the least.
However, there are many ways to get your brand to stand out on social media.
One of them is to have long promotions. This won't work on Twitter which limits the character count. However, on both Facebook and Instagram, I have long promotions. I stand out. Most people just write one sentence to accompany their link.
Do you want to know a trick? I don't even write my social media promotions! The Missinglettr service writes my social media promotions, and they do it for free! Here is information about the Missinglettr service:
Name: Ted Rublin
Website: TedRublin
The authentic practitioners of social marketing – those who last, build connections, and foster relationships – know how to be authentic, honest, and real, without going over the top. They might touch on a controversial subject, but they'll do it thoughtfully, rather than offering a rapid-fire opinion on every trending topic. They'll let you in on meaningful details of their personal lives without sharing so much that you feel like you're at someone else's family reunion. They're not perfect, but they embrace that fact and accept that they can't please everyone.
Most importantly, they're comfortable in their own skin – which is important both online and out in the world. I gravitate toward people who are authentic and confident in who they are, and I try to be the same way when dealing with other people. I may not always say exactly what you want to hear, but what I do say is coming from an honest place. My opinions are just mine, and I try to provide enough background that you'll understand where I'm coming from, even if you don't ultimately agree.
On a marketing, social, and influence level, you'll often go much farther being authentic than you will by only saying and doing the expected. But this isn't just about building a following. Being who you are, connecting with the people who matter, and refusing to be dragged down by the negative, ultimately makes for a happier life with more freedom. Just be "you," and the rest will come along.
#FollowThePath #RonR... #NoLetUp!
Name: Stephanie Clegg
Website: ConvertwithContent
Twitter: @StephanieFrasco
"The best way to master social media is to think like your buyer and use social media the same way they do. Your social media strategy should be personable, relatable and about them...not you."
Name: John Rampton
Website: Calendar
Twitter: @Calendar
Social Media is changing at such a fast rate now that it's important to stay hyperfocused on new techniques being used so that you can differentiate your strategy. Without this, you end up being lumped into the majority of all the others and you will see less results.
Name: Robert Katai
Website: Bannersnack
Twitter: @bannersnack
You need to approach social media in the most analytical way possible! Establish your goals, and when i say goals i mean real goals that bring value to your business. Don't settle for reach, impressions or engagement, metrics that all the social media platforms offer. You need to master Analytics and understand how social media drives sales and conversions, or how it fits in your conversion funnel. Having a good Facebook post with good engagement that results in no further interaction with your brand will not help you achieve your goals on the long run. Stop thinking like an instagramer that only wants more followers, stop thinking like a YouTube that only wants subscribers, go beyond the obvious metrics and find the real value for your brand or business.
Name: Georgi Todorov
Website: DigitalNovas
I'm afraid that there is no shortcut to success. I'm not aware of any uncommon methods to become good at something. And in social media too. My advice is that you spend a few hours EVERY DAY practicing your skills in social media marketing. The best is if you choose your social media network and specialize there. You don't want to be just a social media expert. You want to be Twitter specialist, Pinterest specialist, Facebook specialist ;) That's how you will earn more.
Name: Patrick Coombe
Website: Elite-Strategies
Twitter: @elitestweets
My one piece of advice for someone looking to get good at social media is to get good at photography and graphics. You can be the smartest social media manager in the world with knowledge and a deep understanding of XML, Facebook Open Graph protocol, schema markup, HTML but if your photos look like crap, you are going to get shoddy results. I would say at the very least learn how to take good photographs and how to edit them. This means learning how to stage a photograph (clean up the room before you take the photo), how to crop out areas you don't want, and how to optimize the color. It helps even more to have some Photoshop knowledge, enough to learn how to put text with shadows and strokes on top of the photography.
Name: Ryan Biddulph
Website: BloggingFromParadise
Twitter: @RyanBiddulph
Be incredibly social on 1-2 sites. Talk to people. Engage people. RT updates. Share people's updates. The more you give, the more you get, on social media.
Name: Priit Kallas
Website: FixwillPower
Twitter: @FixWillpower
The key in social media marketing is persistence. If you keep delivering value to your audience, then you will get results. You can go viral with many posts if you are consistent and improve your material form the feedback you get from your followers.
What you need to be persistent is regular content creation. Your audience expects value. Give them something that improves their lives or entertains them. Avoid thin content that will alienate your fans.
Don’t just post something once. You can repeat the same content from different angles without angering your followers. Similarly, you can crank up the frequency, without many negative effects if your content quality stays high. Focus on value and deliver every day. There are not many competitors who can keep up with that. Time is your number one ally. It crushes your competition.
Name: Adam Connell
Website: BloggingWizard
Twitter: @bloggingwizard
There's a lot to learn on the road to becoming a social media professional - far more than I can say here, but there's one thing in particular that isn't said often enough...
... Social media isn't the answer to every marketing question.
It's critical to understand that social doesn't exist in a vacuum - it's just one part of the marketing puzzle. It's something I wish I was told when I first got into marketing. Social needs to be part of a holistic marketing strategy that's guided by top-level business goals & metrics - not vanity metrics like shares, likes or followers.
And when you plan (and execute) on your social media strategy, remember that it will often feed other marketing channels. So it's important to gain clarity on how your strategy will connect with those channels. Understanding this is critical in order to better advise clients, exceed expectations and deliver results.
Name: Michael Leonhard
Website: Compose
Twitter: @compose_ly
Identify your tribe! You want to build a connection with a group of people that are passionate about what you have to say. Try not to put out information that is too overly broad to try and appeal to everyone. Instead, focus on building a report with an audience that is excited at what you have to share.
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and try new things. The landscape is changing every day, so make sure to test new types of content posting and clearly measure the success (in terms of engagement), or lack thereof, of each new method. Incorporate what works, and eliminate what does not.
Name: Maddy Osman
Website: The-BlogSmith
Aside from just getting started, measuring your effectiveness, and experimenting with new approaches, the best way to find success as a social media marketer is to seek the mentorship of someone who has already found success. This could be an unofficial arrangement or it could be an internship/apprenticeship where you receive guidance from someone with more experience. Building a relationship with a mentor helps to improve your own accountability on the path to learning a new skill while also helping you vet ideas in terms of what works and what doesn't.
Name: Julia Campbell
Website: JcSocialmarketing
Twitter: @JuliaCSocial
My advice to anyone who wants to become an expert is to get rid of the term expert. The landscape of social media is fast-paced and constantly changing, and there is no way to keep up with every single facet and every little change. I recommend picking a specific vertical or niche within digital or social media, and learning everything you can about that specific topic within the larger ecosystem. No one can be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, everything expert. But you can be the Twitter for real estate agents expert. Or the Instagram for hair salons expert. Or the LinkedIn for female entrepreneurs expert. Go deep rather than going wide.
Name: Pam Didner
With the constant changes and feature updates in various social media platforms, it is nearly impossible to be an “expert" on all aspects of social marketing. It's important to keep up with continuous reading and constant learning. In addition, you need to be a practitioner: be in the trenches and understand how to execute campaigns, AB testing, in-depth data analytics, and optimization. You can't just talk about a framework anymore, you need to be able to know how the back-end works and how everything ties together.
Name: Martin Shervington
Website: PlusYourBusiness
Twitter: @PlusYourBiz
To become an expert in Social Media have passion about 'that thing that you do' - the more energy, the more people will get attracted to what you are saying - once attracted/engaged, and if they relate, they will connect with your message:
Attract (or Engage)/Relate/Connect this is the process, no matter what the area.
There you have it. The best career advice on how to become a social media expert by practicing experts in the industry. Are you interested in a getting a social media job? Click here to check digital marketing jobs vacancies in Nigeria
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