Niger State College of Nursing Sciences, Minna is a full Cooperate Institution with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria. Established by Decree 89 1979! Nursing and Midwifery employ specific Science and Skills to advance patients' health and are among the most complicated fields in medicine.... read more This is why Clinical education is an essential part of nursing and midwifery because it offers students an opportunity to convert conceptual knowledge into intellectual and psychological skills and then apply them in the dynamic of caring for patients.
Niger State College of Nursing Sciences Jobs in Nigeria
The College Librarian is the Chief Library Officer and shall be responsible to the Provost for the administration of the College Library and the coordination of the Library serv
The Bursar is the Chief Financial Officer of the College.
He/she is responsible to the Provost for the day to day administration and control of the financial affairs of the Co
The Registrar is responsible to the Provost for the day-to-day administration of the College and shall perform such other duties as the Governing Council may require as the case
The Provost is the Chief Executive Officer and the Head of the College Academics, and responsible to the Governing Council.
Required Qualifications
Any interested candidat