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Solidaridad is an international network organization with partners all over the world. There is one agenda and one strategy: together we learn and progress, together we achieve results and together we decide on future steps. The premise of the structure is that it promotes capacity building: strengthening Solidaridad teams in the region, enabling them to ...
Training Consultant: Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) Training of Trainers Workshop
Solidaridad West Africa (SWA) is part of Solidaridad Network, a Dutch international not-for-profit organization, with its regional office in Accra Ghana, and active country offices in Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Ghana. Solidaridad Network has over 50 years of experience in supporting sustainable development of farmers and production systems across the globe focusing on enhancing the value chains of both fresh and processed agricultural and other non-agricultural commodities. In Nigeria, SWA Country Office is located in Enugu, Enugu State.
The NISCOPS project aims to create a framework through existing National Initiatives, and possibly contribute to (climate) policy objectives, and access to the market through testing and scaling sustainable and climate-smart oil palm cultivation by smallholders. Additionally, Solidaridad through the project aims to support smallholder oil palm farmers and to promote access to financing, agro-inputs, climate-smart technologies, and markets so as to increase sustainable productivity, build resilience to climate change and to reduce GHG emissions in Nigeria.
SWA Nigeria is implementing community-based agricultural value chain enhancement programs in Nigeria focusing on smallholder farmers, women and youth in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano, and Kogi states. Solidaridad is seeking the services of a consultant to facilitate VSLA training for project beneficiaries and staff. The overall objective of the training is to build the capacity of the trainees to implement community-based social safety net interventions using the village savings and loans association (VSLA) approach. The training will cover the following topics:
Establishment: Overview and feature of VSLA, Procedure for establishment
Membership: General and specific conditions, Active and Inactive membership;
Leadership and Governance: Leadership and organizational skills, VSLA governance structure, Village supervisors, Management Committees, Central working Committee; Joint Forum of management Committees, Forfeiture of membership. Qualification to be part of the VSLA federation;
VSLA Coordination and Operations: tasks and conditions; social fund, share purchase rule (saving fund); lending rule (loan fund); loan repayment (loan fund); loan repayment rule
Tools and templates for implementing, monitoring and evaluating VSLAs
Acquiring Financial literacy in
Equipment required by VSLA groups and their uses
VSLA approach monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning
Group dynamics, savings and credits and marketing
Terms of Reference:
Minimum Qualifications:
Expression of Interest / Application should include:
Please send all EoI/ Application to (stating email subject as job title) on or before the closing date of August 25, 2020.
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