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Oops! It seems this job from Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) has expired
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  • Posted: Mar 25, 2022
    Deadline: Apr 14, 2022
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    The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) is an international medical organization, founded in 2009. ALIMA’s aim is to provide a high standard of healthcare in situations of emergency or medical disaster and to improve the practice of humanitarian medicine by developing innovative projects associated with medical research. The specific fe...
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    Nurse Activity Manager


    Level 3: As part of his or her duties, the incumbent will be required to visit the programs and be in contact with children and / and vulnerable adults. Therefore, the criminal record check or the presentation of a certificate of good moral character will be necessary. In situations where it is impossible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good moral character, a declaration of honor will be requested.


    • He/she participates in defining, planning, implementing and monitoring all care and nursing related activities in accordance with the project plan, ALIMA’s policies, approved guidelines and procedures. He/she guarantees the quality of nursing care as well as coordinate human and materials related and resources in collaboration with different health facilities responsible in order to improve health conditions of the target population.


    • The Nursing Activity Manager reports directly to the Medical Referent. He / She maintains a close collaboration with different responsible of health facilities in which ALIMA’s is bringing medical support and technical relation with the nurse supervisor and the project team to ensure smooth running of medical activities:
    • Ensure that the Planning and organization of all nursing and related activities in OTP, ITFC, OPD, Community Activity and participating in the definition of periodic planning and update of its associated budget in order to efficiently maintain the continuity of a high quality healthcare.
    • Coordinate the duty roster, shifts and on-calls of nursing staff. When needed, being responsible for scheduling duty rosters, shifts and on call of nursing staff.
    • Oversee and monitor the rational use of medicines and the proper administration of treatments in step with ALIMA/MoH protocols.
    • Oversee proper management of the different activities like OTP, ITFC, OPD, drug store (inventory, orders, supervision of distribution).
    • Participate in handling international orders for medicines and medical supplies.
    • Ensure that all administrative procedures and documents (individual patient cards and registration book, discharge forms, transfer forms, etc.) and existing data management tools are used correctly
    • Support the development and implementation of nursing protocols and standards
    • Monitor adherence to hygiene procedures for materials (sterilization, waste disposal), rooms and equipment in general. Monitor adherence to universal measures for infection prevention control.
    • Ensure that all necessary actions are well known in the event of needle stick injuries or contact with infectious body fluid by all staff (including non-medical staff), example: Accident of Blood.
    • Supervise the national nurses’ supervisors, and all related activities in liaison with the different activities in the project (OTP, ITFC, OPD, Community Activities, etc.) to ensure good nursing practices and a high level of quality delivery throughout the facility
    • Can Train, supervise and manage local nursing staff or community health providers even it is under nurse supervisor, and all staff under his/her responsibility through activities such as recruitment, defining job descriptions, capacity-building, briefing/debriefing and evaluation of staff.
    • Participate in the planning, implementation and organization of the training sessions of MoH staff in accordance of the project plan.
    • Participate in the different meetings of management of the project (steering committee meetings, technical meetings…).
    • Reporting to the line manager on any relevant information linked to nursing activities and participating in periodic reports according to guidelines.

        In close coordination with the admin project, planning and supervising the associated processes (recruitment, training, evaluation, development and communication) of the nursing staff of the project in order to improve staff capabilities and ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required.
        Perform any other duty as assigned by the organization through the Medical referent or Project Coordinator.



    • Essential nursing diploma for general or specialized health services; specialization in nutrition or sexual and reproductive health would be an asset.


    • Essential working experience of at least five years in nursing activities specialized either in nutrition/health and sexual reproductive health.
    • Essential working experience in related jobs in ALIMA or other NGOs developing countries.


    • English is Essential; French, Hausa and Kanuri language would be an asset.


    • Contract term: contract under French law, 6 months.
    • Desired start date: April 1st, 2022
    • Salary: Depending on experience

    ALIMA pays for:

    • Travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the mission location

    Accommodation costs

    • Medical cover from the first day of the contract to a month after the date of departure from the mission country for the employee
    • Evacuation of the employee

    Method of Application

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