Comprehensive Child Eye Health in Nigeria (CCEHiN) is a three-year (2017-2020) Seeing is Believing (SiB) programme that seeks to make comprehensive child eye health services available and accessible through promotion, prevention, medical care and rehabilitation / inclusive education targeted at vulnerable children. The SiB programme is being implemented in eleven (11) States of the federation divided into four clusters as follows: Cluster 1: Oyo, Ogun and Osun States, Cluster 2: the Federal Capital Territory, Nasarawa and Plateau States, Cluster 3: Kano, Katsina and Jigawa States, and Cluster 4: Cross River and Akwa Ibom States. The Seeing is Believing programme kicked off in December 2017 and would be concluded in December 2019. The programme objectives include:
- Develop skilled and adequate manpower to provide comprehensive child eye health services at various levels of health care in the targeted project areas
- Improve the quality, accessibility and scope of eye health services to children
- Embed child eye health in the policies and programme work of the Ministries of Health and Education
- Pilot strategies for inclusive eye health
- Establish the school eye health programme as a sustainable model to deliver eye health services to children
- Improve the quality of early intervention and education of blind children and children with severe visual impairment
The main objective for this study is to conduct an endline evaluation to find out how well the implementation of the Seeing is Believing programme is at achieving the overall objective of the programme, which is to contribute to the reduction of avoidable blindness and visual impairment through the provision of comprehensive child eye health services to over 1.5 million children aged 0-14 in selected states of Nigeria
Specific Objectives
- To review the internal and external documents (programme reports, case studies, national eye health documents, etc.) related to the implementation of the SiB programme.
- To conduct fieldwork to obtain data/information for the evaluation.
- To provide a comprehensive endline report, useful in evaluating the implementation of the Seeing is Believing programme in Nigeria.
Research Questions
- What impact has the SiB programme made in increasing the coverage of primary eye health care in Nigeria?
- Has the SiB programme contributed to the increase in the number of cataract surgeries in children at targeted tertiary hospitals, in comparison to pre-programme implementation?
- Has the SiB programme contributed to an increase in the number of consultations of children at targeted secondary eye care institutions, in comparison to pre-programme implementation?
- Has the SiB programme contributed to an increase in the number of institutions offering specialised refraction and low vision services, in comparison to pre-programme implementation?
- What strategies/approaches of programme delivery have been effective and what has not been effective?
- Is the implementation approach a sustainable model after the end of the SiB project?
- Do the importance and the quality of the programme (and associated outcomes) justify the amount of resources used?
Key Stakeholders Involved
The Programme Director – Seeing is Believing programme, implementing partners (including supported health facilities), Knowledge Management/Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, the Federal Ministry of Health – Eye Health Coordinator, supported schools – mainstream schools and special schools, and the cluster coordinators.
As key actors during programme implementation, they are going to provide their perspective for the triangulation of the information collected during the secondary data review.
This study should follow a qualitative approach. A desk review of internal and external documents relating to the SiB programme will be done. Interviews with some key stakeholders will also be done. Observations and checklists can also be used to gather information. Answers to the research questions will be drawn from the desk review and interviews with key stakeholders.
Expected Deliverables
The expected outputs are:
- Inception report (including tools and methodology)
- Zero draft of the evaluation report for review by the SiB team.
- Final draft of the evaluation report and raw data/tools used for the endline evaluation.
- A PowerPoint presentation of evaluation methodology, findings and recommendations, conclusions and learnings.
- Present findings in a validation/dissemination meeting
The evaluation report should not exceed 30 pages, excluding annexes. Potential sections to include in the report are:
- Introduction and Purpose of the endline evaluation
- Evaluation Objectives
- Research Questions
4. Methodology
a. Data Collection Methods
b. Sampling
c. Research Tools
- Findings
- Conclusion
- Recommendations – for the government and future programmes in eye health
- Annex
- Tool design
- Inception report
- Primary and secondary data review
- Interview key stakeholders
- Develop Zero draft of the evaluation report
- Integrate feedback and develop draft 1 of the evaluation report
- Integrate feedback and develop final draft of the evaluation report
The deadline to complete this exercise is 24/02/2020
Selection Criteria for Consultants
For this exercise, CBM international is looking for a consultant having:
- Proven expertise in Child Eye health in Nigeria
- Experience in conducting endline evaluations and ability to distil various viewpoints into a cohesive report.
- Advanced university degree in education, social work or another related discipline.
- Experience in conducting studies in West Africa Region
- Fluency in English
- A team of 2 with the lead consultant having at least 10 years’ experience in planning and conducting evaluations within the health and development sector.
- The consultants team shall prepare and submit by January 11th 2020 a financial and technical proposal including
- detailed curriculum vitae with three references (two professional and one personal)
- a proposal outlining how and when they intend to accomplish this task
- a detailed financial proposal
- The selected consultant will be contracted and will start work shortly after recruitment. A service contract will be signed between the team and the SiB Nigeria.
Interested and qualified candidates should apply using the Apply Now button below.