Welcome to Day 20 of MyJobMag 30 Day Work Challenge. The 30 Day Work Challenge is designed to help you get your footing solid either you are starting a new job or as a new manager. You can tweet at us @myjobmag to let us know how you are doing or if you have any questions.
So ready for today’s challenge?
Do you know that you can learn more about someone in 5 mins in an unofficial setting than you can learn in 5 weeks in a formal setting? That is why it is important to build a relationship with co-workers, mentors or even someone in a similar role in another company. So, think about someone you want to learn more about and simply take them out for a lunch break.
Every week as an individual, I am either talking or spending time with people I want to learn more from. Sometimes it is through a phone call or a Skype chat or over lunch.
When you take time to build a relationship with people, you get to know more about them, how they work and you will definitely learn a lot more than you can learn when you want to try and do it all on your own.
Besides, it is also a good way to keep building your social skills, your net worth and sometimes information that you otherwise would not have known.
Now that is all for today’s challenge. Join us on LinkedIn and let us know how you are faring.
PS: If you miss Day 19 of our 30 Day Work Challenge, please know that you can access it here
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