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How to Find the Best Company to Work For

Updated on Dec 20, 2021 9529 views
How to Find the Best Company to Work For

The company you eventually find yourself in will determine how far you would go in your career. That is why it is good you know what to look out for in your prospective company.

Finding the best company to work for is almost like finding your significant other. You find the right person: You grow, learn together, and eventually achieve your goals. You find the wrong person; otherwise happens.

Just like the way you feel with your better half, finding the best company to work for is finding one that pushes you to become better.

If you are going to be spending 8-9 hours of your day in a place; then it should be a place that excites you. Spending the best parts of your day in the wrong company is one mistake you do not want to know.

Let me tell you why

When you finally land a job, you are going to be putting in a lot of effort to perform your task and you want to make sure your efforts will match the results you would get.

To ensure that you make the best decision as regards the company that you work for, we have put together five simple tips to help you find the best company.


5 Simple Tips to Help You Find the Best Company to Work For

1. Do detailed research. 

a. Research the company’s employees.

b. Research about the company’s leadership.

c. Find out what other job candidates are saying about the company. (Company review)

d. Find out about the company’s growth opportunities.

e. Find out the company’s values and ethics. 

f. Research the company’s salary structure.

2. Compare the company with other companies.

3. Research the company's leadership.

4. Ask questions during the interview.

5. Check out previous employees and customers experience with the company.


1. Do a Detailed Research 

Researching the company and all the details about the job is one point that can never be overemphasized. Job seekers often make the mistake of accepting a job offer without doing research.

Before you apply for a job or accept any job offer, make sure you do your research. Do your research to find out the following:

  • The company’s work model and location to know whether you can work with its system.
  • What the company considers as important. You would know if the company’s value aligns with yours.
  • The challenges and difficulties that the company has experienced in the past. This will help you know what to expect, should you get the job.
  • The company's employees to discover how well you can work with them.
  • The brand competitors to understand the solutions you want to provide.
  • The company’s revenue sources to know if it is a place for you to grow.
  • The company’s benefits and rewards to ensure work/life balance.
  • The company’s healthcare benefits to ensure that you are fit to do the job.
  • There are other details that you should research before deciding to work for a company. You should also research things like the company’s culture, brand image, etc.


2. Compare the company with other companies of your interest

Oftentimes, job seekers get confused about the choice of company when applying for a role or making the choice of an offer.

When you have discovered a company that you would love to work with, there would likely be competitor companies. Compare the company of your choice with the competitors to ensure that you are making the right choice.

You can quickly compare the company of your choice based on the following criteria:

  • The company rating on company rating platform like See how employees and other people have rated the company.
  • Check the company’s career opportunities with that of others.
  • Check the benefits and compensation that the company provides in comparison with other companies.
  • Compare the company’s work/life balance in comparison with other companies.
  • Compare senior management staff members for competing companies to have an idea of the people that you would be working with.
  • You can easily compare the companies that you are interested in by looking at company reviews on and finding out more about the company on

You can search for the company on MyJobMag by simply using the “search-box”. When you search for a company on MyJobMag, you see some details about the company and their job vacancies.


3. Ask questions during the job interview

The interview section is not just a time for you to impress your prospective employer. It is also the time for you to discover if the company is the best place for you.

After you must have answered the interviewer's questions, the interviewer will allow you to ask your questions.

When you are given the opportunity, don’t say: “I don’t have any questions”

Use the opportunity to ask questions that will help you determine if the company is a great fit for you. These questions will ensure that find out useful information from the interviewer that will influence your decision on whether or not the job is right for you.

  • How does this position contribute to the organization’s success?
  • What does a typical day look like?
  • What would my first week at work look like?
  • Can you show me examples of projects I’d be working on?
  • What are the skills and experiences you’re looking for in an ideal candidate?
  • What would my day-to-day routine look like if I got the job?
  • What attributes does someone need to have to be successful in this position?
  • What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?
  • What are the biggest challenges that someone in this position would face?
  • What sort of budget would I be working with?
  • Is this a new role that has been created?
  • Do you expect the main responsibilities for this position to change in the next six months to a year?
  • What are the primary responsibilities of the position?
  • What would I be expected to accomplish in my first month/year on the job?
  • What is the key to succeeding in this role?
  • Would I need to travel for the position?
  • What kind of hours are expected for me to perform the role at maximum capacity?
  • Is overtime expected and/or allowed?
  • Could you tell me a little bit about the person I would report to directly?
  • How many people will I be working with?
  • What is the typical career path of someone in this role?
  • How does the company culture affect this role?
  • What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?

Asking strategic questions during your job interview will help you find out details about the company from the company. See sample questions you should ask the recruiter and reasons.


4. Research the company’s Leadership 

Many job seekers don’t border to find out information about the company’s leadership before accepting an offer.

It is good that you research the company’s leadership because a company appears to be a reflection of its leader. No doubt, if a leader has some bad habits these habits will likely rub off on the company. You may notice it from the culture and even the company’s policies.

It is easy for you to assume that a company with a leader that has many years of experience is a great place to work, but that is not always the case.

You can discover some information about the leadership of a company by knowing some details like; how the company has progressed, operational methods, etc.

For example, if a CEO has started 3 companies in the last 5 years, then it may suggest that the person will admire quick decision making, problem-solving, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit. 

On the other hand, if the CEO or the leader rose to the top through an organized logical progression, then it also suggests that the leader will likely value commitment, dedication, etc. 

Researching the company’s leadership gives you an idea of whether or not the company will be a great place for you to thrive.


5. Check out previous employees and customers experience with the company

Do you know that a company’s culture and values show in its customers and previous employees?

Well, it is easy to measure the success of a company from the values they can influence in the lives of their employees and customers.

It is good that you know what customers think about the company that you intend to work with. You can discover:

  • What do the customers think about the company’s services?
  • How do customers perceive their products?


You may be wondering why you should check out what customers think about the company? The truth is that even if you work for a company, you still want to make a difference. Therefore, you would want to make sure the company you want to work for is making a difference with their products or services.

As much as you want to know what customers think about the company, you also want to know the experiences of previous employees.

You can search for the company on LinkedIn to find out details about previous employees. Details like:

  • Where previous employees worked before they joined the company.
  • The positions that they occupied in the company.
  • How long do they tend to stay in the company?
  • Additional roles they had to take on.
  • The company and roles they moved into after leaving the company.


Create a job seekers profile on MyJobMag. There are verified employers that subscribe to use MyJobMag services, you can only get access to these employers when you create a job seekers' profile on MyJobMag. Are you ready to create a profile now, click here to get started. 

If you look forward to growing in your career or building your experience, then you have to grow beyond getting any job that can fairly compensate you.

There is a big difference between just getting a job, and getting a job that is best for you. If you want to grow, then you should search for a job in a company that will help you to grow.

Before you say YES! To a job offer, make sure to do your research and take notes of the questions that the interviewer ask you.

Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comment section.


Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

12 Comment(s)

  • Owiri, Umor Royal
    Owiri, Umor Royal Oct 22, 2021

    Which of the oil and gas companies needs geotechnical Engineers.

  • Richards David
    Richards David Nov 30, 2021

    Which NGO or iNGO needs Social workers/Humanitarian

  • Duru David
    Duru David Feb 21, 2022

    Need a company that needs a medical microbiologist and a marketing/sales experience. 


    Thanks and God bless

  • Joshua B. Lugard
    Joshua B. Lugard Mar 07, 2022


  • Promise Chika
    Promise Chika Mar 24, 2022

    Which company needs someone that read public Administration HND. The company should be around Abuja. Thanks 

  • Mbe samuel
    Mbe samuel Mar 27, 2022

    Which company needs a civil engineer?

  • Omeiza Muhammad
    Omeiza Muhammad Apr 06, 2022

    In need of Site Surveyor? Slip in here. Am a graduate from Federal Polytechnic Kaduna.

  • arion phiri
    arion phiri Apr 06, 2022
    Which company needs an engine specialist
  • Afolabi Olubodun
    Afolabi Olubodun May 03, 2022

    Which company needs a qualified driver

  • Babayo Alhaji
    Babayo Alhaji Oct 08, 2022

    Which NGO need Linguist N C E, English/Hausa

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