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Get Answers to Interview Questions You Have Been Meaning to Ask: Join MyJobMag FREE Online Training

Updated on Nov 04, 2021 19904 views
Get Answers to Interview Questions You Have Been Meaning to Ask: Join MyJobMag FREE Online Training

Have you heard business or craftsmen talk about tricks that make them stand out?

The truth many people are yet to discover is that; to be a master at anything, you must get to the point where you understand the tricks and strategies that the experts use. What makes an expert a master at what he does, is simply the tricks he knows that others are yet to discover.

Like many other things, finding a job is an activity that requires skills. That means that the more skilful you are at searching for job opportunities, the better your chances of landing a job. Over the years, I have come to discover that job candidates that are more intentional with their job search often land the job they want when they want while other struggles.


You might say; Well, I have a good CV and cover letter, but I am yet to land a job.


I understand that having a good CV and cover letter is key to landing a job, but this is not all there is to landing a job. A good CV and cover letter can get your feet at the door (get you an interview invite), but it cannot guarantee you get the job.

It is good you prepare well for your job interview since it will likely guarantee you a job.

The job interview is one aspect of the job search process that many job seekers overlook. They mostly look forward to getting a job interview invite but fail to prepare. 

Preparing for your job interview is far more than practising job interview questions and answers. It is about knowing what the recruiter/employer wants from a prospective hire and how to present yourself as the ideal job candidate. It is about convincing the employer that you are the candidates they need.

There is something I usually tell someone that wants to land a job, and it is;


"Selling yourself during the job interview is like telling a story; there is nothing like a bad story; it is about how you tell the story."


Everything may imply that you are the best candidate for the role, but how well can you make the employer believe your story? That is where MyJobMag comes in. We understand that making an employer decide to hire you immediately after your interview requires serious effort; that is why we put together this FREE online training: "Exclusive Job Interview Tricks & Tips".

This FREE online training equips you with everything you need to know to ace every job interview that you attend. 


Why did MyJobMag decide to organize this training?

We decided to organize this training because we have noticed that many job seekers' miss their chance of landing the jobs of their dreams at the interview stage. From our experience and interactions with job seekers, we observed that most people pin their failure to land a job on the following:

a. "I don't get to hear back from the recruiter/employer after the job interview."

b. "The interview usually become shorter than I expect."

c. "I become nervous during the interview."

c. "I don't know how to convince the recruiter that I am the best person for the job during the interview." 
d. "I practice a set of interview questions and answers, but I get asked a different set of questions during the interview."


These are recurring complaints that we have received from job seekers. In our quest to assist job seekers land the jobs of their dreams, we decided to respond to their complaints by organizing this FREE online job interview training.

It is time for you to conquer barriers stopping you from lanidng a job


By registering and attending this training, you will:

  • Have access to our exclusive interview tips and tricks that will make any employers want to hire you.
  • Learn how to make an employer hire you immediately after the interview.
  • Learn how to negotiate your salary to land a job that matches your skills, experience, and market worth.


This online training course is for you if:

a. You have a dream job that you have been fanaticizing about.

If there’s a job you’ve been dreaming about but you do not know to go about it. We will show you practical steps that have helped 100s of people get a good job.

b. You are willing to experience a change

Have you been getting job interview invites, but no job? Learn all you need to start doing things differently and make sure every job interview translates to a job.


The training course also covers:

a. This training covers intense job interview preparation.

You will learn exclusive job interview tips and get access to mock interview sessions to help you ace job interviews.

b. A+ communication tips

This course will help you improve your job search-related communications so that you present yourself in the best light. (from CV to cover letters, etc. )

c. Creating a compelling brand story

This course will ensure that you discover your unique strength, and present them compellingly and consistently to prospective employers.



This training is organized by MyJobMag in collaboaration with HR experts and Talent managers

You do not want to miss out on this training. Click this link to register


Do you want to interact with MyJobMag in real-time to ask questios or request for assistance? Click on this link to chat with our pleasant representative on WhatsApp





Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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