Based On The Need To Know, We'll Be Talking About Workplace Ethics with bias for Public Criticism of your Employer.
The number 1 rule in is pretty straight & crude; NEVER ever criticize your boss in public.
It is the Golden Rule!
PUBLIC CRITICISM is one rule that is very important, so much so that we'll focus on it this morning.
It’s never a good idea to criticize your boss in public. It’s an even worse idea to talk about him or her to the media. If you do criticize your boss or company in public, don’t be surprised if you get fired because you're asking for it. Infact, it is a bad idea to criticize your colleagues in the presence of your boss, let alone criticize your boss in public
Read This Short Story:
A little over a year ago, President Obama appointed Gen. McChrystal to lead the war effort in Afghanistan.
McChrystal is a graduate of West Point & spent the 5 years running the Pentagon’s most secretive “black ops.”
He is renowned for saying out loud what other military officers are afraid to even think—reason Obama appointed him.
One day, McChrystal gave a series of interviews to Rolling Stone magazine in which he criticized Obama, VP Biden & others
He said that Obama looked “uncomfortable and intimidated” by the roomful of military brass.
He said Obama, didn’t meet with him until 4 months after his appointment. He called the meeting a “10-minute photo op.”
He said Obama “didn’t seem very engaged” and was disappointed in his response to the war. He even went on to criticize officials in the State Department and the White House.
McChrystal thinks everyone except those on his own team are idiots. He knows best. Everyone else should get out of his way.
We understand the frustration. Working for for some people can be tempting. Tempting enough for you to want to lash out.
It can be frustrating but public criticism of your superiors at work can never result in anything positive. People in authority eventually find out. And when they do, you might discover you are not so indispensable after all.
If you have a problem with your boss, let us suggest alternative approaches. If you're interested, continue reading this thread.
1. Give your boss the benefit of the doubt. Your perspective is limited. You are only seeing one side of the issue.
2. Don’t speak negatively of your boss in public. Don’t sow the seeds of disloyalty or even discontent.
3. Meet with your boss in private and state your concerns. Do it with courage, candor, and respect. A competent leader will listen carefully and act appropriately. Even if he or she doesn’t, you've done the honorable thing.
4. If you disagree with your boss’s direction & feel deeply about it, resign. NEVER bite the hand that fed/feeds you.
Either support the boss publicly or find somewhere else to work. This really comes down to a matter of integrity. Even if your boss is incompetent, you have the duty to respect him (Romans 13:1–7). If you can’t, you need to resign.
Speaking out publicly against your superiors, while you are still employed, is NOT an option.
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Written by Adeeko Ademola Abayomi
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