Learn how to make employers search for you.
How would you love to land a job that you love soon?
As much as it is every job seekers dream to get a good job, it is also the dream of employers to hire a valuable job candidate.
Become a valuable job candidate that employers want on their team by enrolling in our PERSONAL BRANDING FOR JOB SEARCH training course.
Get the knowledge you need to make great employers search for with this complete FREE training by MyJobMag.
If you enrol for this FREE online training course, you would:
1. Take part in our exclusive personal branding training for job search (this training will ensure you learn how to brand yourself to attract employers).
2. Get access to all you need to start building your online brand to attract top employers and companies.
3. Get access to take part in our personal branding for job search assessment.
All you have to do to participate in this free training course is to register and secure your seat.
At the end of the ‘PERSONAL BRANDING FOR JOB SEARCH’ training course, you would have learned:
1. How to create a brand for yourself that will attract employers.
2. How to tell your career story through your personal brand.
3. How to showcase your skills and abilities with your personal brand.
That is not all. Guess what!
If you complete the training, you will receive a certificate of completion from MyJobMag. Asides from getting a certificate which everyone that completes the course will get, you can become our top job candidate.
This training is open to job seekers that wish to attract top employers and organizations.
Venue: Online, Zoom
Date: Ist of September 2021. 11:00 am.
Meeting link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7191087653?pwd=ZWwvci9rWWRWc2YwWHhJZWc1QmRjUT09
MyJobMag Limited