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The Nudge Academy Global Impact Challenge 2020

Updated on Jun 17, 2020 1099 views
The Nudge Academy Global Impact Challenge 2020


We have combined leadership, sustainability and impact creation in an eight-month development programme (August 2020 – April 2021), inviting young professionals to realise their very own sustainability impact plan. We are here to provide you with the knowledge, inspiration and skills to become a force for change.

During the online programme, you will receive the necessary tools to realise the change you envision. We invite ambitious young professionals (23 – 33 yrs) to team up and rise to the Nudge Global Impact Challenge.

Theme 2020: Prosperity for all

Young leaders building a better world for people and our planet

When aiming for prosperity for all, we work towards a world in which there is no poverty. A world where inequalities are reduced. Where education, healthcare and basic human rights, such as clean water and sanitation, are accessible for everyone.

However, this must be done within the planetary boundaries. The ‘all’ have to include future generations and all species that are dependent on, and crucial for our planet’s ecosystem.

To accomplish this there is a need for leaders who work together towards a sustainable and inclusive future. Leaders who are not afraid of change, but rather see it as a powerful tool to create impact towards a world they want to live in. To achieve well-being for all.

Who are we looking for?

Young professionals with the ambition to change the world for the better and eager to create the impact they envision. Does this sound like you? Then read on!

Criteria for participation: You have at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, you are between the age of 23 and 33, and fluent in English (verbal and written). Above all, you have a clear passion for sustainability, you want to develop your leadership skills, and you are eager to make an impact.

Apply now! We have availability for 60 company participants and 30 Wild Cards.

I am a Company Participant

A company participant is a young professional working for a company or organisation that allows him or her to participate in the Nudge Global Impact Challenge AND agrees to pay for his or her participation. The participation fee for one company participant is EUR 4.500,- (excl. VAT). If a company joins with 2 to 5 participants, the fee is EUR 4.250,- per participant. Joining with 6 or more participants? The fee then reduces to EUR 4.000,- per participant.  

The accommodation cost (EUR 600,- incl. VAT for two hotel nights, food and drinks during the ‘Grand Finale’ closure event in the Netherlands, second quarter 2021, and invoiced separately by the venue) and travel expenses are covered by the company.

Criteria for participation

  • We are looking for young professionals from all working fields and industries who want to make a difference. Company trainees are also welcome.
  • You meet the following criteria:
  • minimum bachelor's degree or equivalent 
  • 23 33 years old
  • fluent in English (verbal and written) 
  • eager to work with an international group on the development of leadership skills in sustainability 

Payment terms and conditions Nudge Global Impact Challenge 2020.

Application Link

I am a Wild Card Candidate

A Wild Card candidate is a student or a young professional working for a company or organisation who does not have sufficient financial means to take part in the Nudge Global Impact Challenge. By applying for a Wild Card you enter a selection process where your participation fee (EUR 4.500,–) will be sponsored. This means you only have to pay for your travel costs and accommodation during the ‘Grand Finale’ closure event in the Netherlands (EUR 600,- incl. VAT for two hotel nights, food and drinks / invoiced separately by the venue). The ‘Grand Finale’ closure event will be scheduled in the second quarter of 2021

Criteria for participation
We are looking for young professionals from all working fields and industries who want to make a difference. Students are also welcome.
You meet the following criteria:

  • minimum bachelor's degree or equivalent 
  • 23 33 years old
  • fluent in English (verbal and written) 
  • eager to work with an international group on the development of leadership skills in sustainability 
  • you work for an organisation that is not able to pay for your participation fee.

Application Link

All Wild Card applicants will be notified regarding the selection before mid-August 2020.

See the Complete Details about this Challenge Here

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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