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The Collective Foundation Innovation Challenge

Updated on May 04, 2020 574 views
The Collective Foundation Innovation Challenge


We believe in the power of bringing people together to tackle critical social issues. As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, vulnerable communities urgently need support. This is why we are challenging you to think of innovative ideas that can support communities that are significantly affected by the COVID-19 crisis.  

The Collective Innovation Challenge is an online programme and community to support you in developing ideas to help isolated older people, young people with disadvantaged backgrounds, and people who experience homelessness.


How can we support vulnerable groups who are affected by the COVID-19 crisis?


We are particularly interested in working with those who experience the most severe forms of social isolation — people who live independently, the economically disadvantaged, and those who don’t have existing strong social networks. How can we support the emotional and social needs of those aged over 70 who have been asked to take the most stringent social distancing measures?


This is a moment that exposes many of inequities faced by young people in our society —from access to quality food and broadband and computers needed for distance education to the supportive environments needed to focus on learning. For the millions of young people who are homeless or food insecure, school is often the one place where they feel safe and where some of their urgent needs are met. How can we support the social, physical and mental-health needs of society’s most vulnerable young people and their carers?


There are an estimated 300,000 people living in temporary accommodation, sofa-surfing or experiencing other kinds of homelessness than rough sleeping. These people are at serious risk during the COVID-19 crisis and not necessarily covered by government legislation in support of rough sleepers. What can we do to support individuals and families without stable 


Joining the Innovation Challenge will increase the chance of success for your idea. Once you sign up, you will get access to our online platforms where you can share your ideas, find team members, or join other teams. You can read our research briefs to get a better understanding of the problems that the groups we focus on face.

You will be supported throughout the idea development process by our mentors. You will also get access to our educational content, our network of partners, and feedback sessions with frontline experts who can validate your idea.

By the end of each challenge, the most promising ideas will be selected to be brought to life with our partners. Depending on the challenge you participate in, this means funding, ongoing coaching, and/or access to their network.

If you don’t have an idea and simply want to donate your skills, you can join projects from other people in the community.

How to get involved


Choose a challenge

Explore different innovation challenges that our partners have created on our online platform. Read our research briefs to get a better understanding of the problems. Choose a challenge that excites you and aligns with your skills and interests. 
The online platform launches in early May. When you sign up to join the community, you will get an e-mail when the platform and challenges are live. 


Join the community

Sign up to join our community and you will receive an invitation to join our private Slack channel. Find other socially driven people with whom you can collaborate on the challenges. Discuss your ideas with each other. Create or join your dream team. 


Develop your idea

Work together with your team in a short timeframe to develop your idea. Participate in online sessions with our Challenge partners to get a better understanding of their needs and receive feedback. 


Present your idea

Share your idea with everyone on our online platform. The most promising ideas will be selected by the organisation that hosts the challenge, and brought to life in collaboration with them. 

See the Collective Foundation Website Link at for more Details about this Challenge

Application Link

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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