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The 2020 .ORG Impact Awards

Updated on Jun 29, 2020 830 views
The 2020 .ORG Impact Awards

About the Award

For more than 30 years, the .ORG domain has powered the inspirations of people around the globe. From individuals to large corporations, small community groups to multinational NGOs, each .ORG aims to positively impact the communities they serve.

The 2020 .ORG Impact Awards (OIAs) recognize .ORGs that are exemplary—those that serve as shining examples of how people can achieve great things—often with little resources and against significant challenges. These people and organizations work tirelessly in pursuit of their missions; not for recognition or reward, but to simply make the world a better place.

The 2020 version of the .ORG Impact Awards is different by circumstance but not in intent. Amidst an unprecedented (in most of our lifetimes) global pandemic, the 2020 program has transformed into a 10-day digital experience —”The Ten Days of .ORG”—that will enable us to put more focus on award finalists and provide greater assistance to winning .ORGs through substantially larger cash donations.  Though 100% online, the 2020 OIAs will continue to celebrate .ORG domain users of all kinds and causes for their accomplishments in community mobilization, outreach, and mission achievement.

The Timeline

Make sure to know these important OIA dates and deadlines!

Nominations Open Thursday, June 18th
Nominations Close Friday, September 4th
Judging Begins Monday, September 14th
Finalists Announced Tuesday, October 20th
Day One: Combating Coronavirus Monday, November 30th
Day Two: Promoting Education Tuesday, December 1st
Day Three: Outstanding Volunteer Wednesday, December 2nd
Day Four: Championing Equality, Equity, and Inclustion Thursday, December 3rd
Day Five: Innovation Friday, December 4th
Day Six: Advancing Environmental Sustainability Monday, December 7th
Day Seven: .ORG Newcomer of the Year Tuesday, December 8th
Day Eight: Fighting Hunger and Poverty Wednesday, December 9th
Day Nine: Promoting a Safer Internet Thursday, December 10th
Day Ten: .ORG of the Year Friday, December 11th


Why Enter?

Community Validation

Proudly show the world how your .ORG is helping your community! Build support, generate funding, and rally others to your cause. Serve as a shining example to others who are striving to make the world a better place.

Digital Opportunities

Shine the spotlight on your work across variety of .ORG platforms throughout the year, including videos, articles, social posts, and more! Our new 10-day awards format focuses more attention on award finalists and winners than ever before.

Raise Your Profile

Open up opportunities for more partnership development, talent acquisition, and wider audience reach. Let the world know about all the amazing work that you’re doing — and the incredible impact you’re having on the communities you serve

Prestigious Award

Proudly display your custom .ORG Impact Award and dedicated digital logo mark and let the world know that your .ORG is among the world’s best.

Substantial Donation

Winning .ORGs can receive up to a $30,000 USD contribution to the non-profit charity of their choice. We’ve significantly increased the donation amounts this year to help you make an even bigger impact. Public Interest Registry reserves the right to approve charitable donations.


The .ORG Impact Awards (the “Program”) is open only to individuals who are at least eighteen (18) years old and have permission to nominate the individual or entity that uses or has a connection to the .ORG domain. Individuals or entities who reside in Cuba, Burma/Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria, may not nominate or be identified as a “Nominee” (defined below in Section 5). Employees of Public Interest Registry and any of its parent and affiliate companies as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) and household members of each such employee are not eligible to nominate individuals or entities or be considered as a Nominee for any award. The Program is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and is void where prohibited

How to Enter: During the Program Period, entrants (now referred as “Nominators”) must visit and follow the links and instructions to complete and submit the online form, including Nominator’s personal information, Nominee’s information (including name & title for an Individual Award Category, Organization name, URL and description), and the Award Category. Depending on the Award Category selected, Nominator will provide written responses to applicable questions and at least one (1) supporting document (max of five (5) supporting documents), collectively referred to as “Nomination” or “Submission”).

The following describes each Award Category and its entry requirements:

  • Combatting Coronavirus: Recognizes an organization or individual whose efforts helped manage Covid-19 outbreaks, provided essential information, provided essential products or services, helped create policies to combat coronavirus, or created solutions to medical equipment shortages.
  • Promoting Education: Recognizes an organization or individual for contributions in promoting education for all, without regard to race, gender or financial status.
  • Outstanding Volunteer: Recognizes an unpaid individual who performed above and beyond what is reasonably expected of a volunteer, made significant contributions to the programs and activities, and whose efforts positively affected the mission of the organization.
  • Championing Equality, Equity and Inclusion: Recognizes an organization or individual for efforts toward furthering diversity, equality, equity and inclusion in society through creation of policies, procedures and practices, creation of programs or other activities that promote and foster diversity, equality, equity and inclusion.
  • Innovation Award: Recognizes an organization or individual who has broken new ground for an
  • organization by demonstrating new ways of thinking, approaching and/or solving issues or challenges.
  • Advancing Environmental Sustainability: Recognizes an organization or individual whose efforts advanced or will advance a clean, healthy environment without damage to our environment or depletion of nonrenewable resources.
  • .ORG Newcomer of the Year: Recognizes a person or organization that started less than five years ago and demonstrated experience for exceptional contributions by demonstrating
  • initiative and leadership around a specific task, project or campaign.
  • Fighting Hunger and Poverty: Recognizes a person or organization who has made significant contributions and innovations in the fight to end hunger and poverty on a local, national or
  • global scale.
  • Promoting a Safer Internet: Recognizes a person or organization whose efforts promote online safety whether through education, working with policymakers or advocacy.

Nominator must provide written responses to each of the following questions (up to 500 words for each question):
For Combatting Coronavirus, Promoting Education, Championing Equality, Equity and Inclusion,

  • Advancing Environmental Sustainability, Fighting Hunger and Poverty, and Promoting a Safer Internet:
  • What challenge, opportunity or situation was the nominee seeking to address?
  • What was the nominee’s approach to addressing the challenge, opportunity or situation?
  • What was the outcome of the nominee’s actions to address the challenge, opportunity or situation? Include any specific results.
  • Describe how the nominee’s efforts, contributions and leadership contributed to achieving its goals and led to the betterment of the organization and/or the society at large?

For Innovation:

  • What challenge, opportunity or situation was the nominee seeking to address?
  • What was the nominee’s approach to addressing the challenge, opportunity or situation?
  • What was the outcome of the nominee’s actions to address the challenge, opportunity or situation? Include any specific results.
  • How was the nominee’s approach different from previous efforts and why was this new approached chosen?
  • Is the approach replicable to other challenges, opportunities or situation either in this field or more broadly? If yes, please elaborate.

For .ORG Newcomer of the Year:

  • What challenge, opportunity or situation was the nominee seeking to address?
  • Had that challenge, opportunity or situation not been addressed in a significant way before?
  • What role did the nominee play in helping address that challenge, opportunity or situation? 
  • What was the outcome of the nominee’s actions to address the challenge, opportunity or situation? Include any specific results.
  • What actions made this nominee stand out?

For Outstanding Volunteer

  • What challenge, opportunity or situation was the nominee seeking to address?
  • What role did the nominee play in helping address a challenge, opportunity or situation?
  • What was the outcome of the nominee’s actions to address the challenge, opportunity or situation? Include any specific results.
  • What actions made this nominee stand out?


Begin your Application for this Award Here

See Full Details here

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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