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Become an Andela Developer with the Andela Developer Program

Updated on Jan 16, 2018 2195 views
Become an Andela Developer with the Andela Developer Program


The highest performing participants are accepted into Andela’s four-year Technical Leadership Program. 

You’ll join 10,000+ aspiring tech leaders by expressing your interest and describing your motivations for leveraging Andela’s technical leadership resources. Complete a free application and personality/values assessment so we can learn how to further empower you as a tech leader.


You will leverage our open-source learning resources for software development and team skills to complete a technical assessment that will evaluate your knowledge of the content you’ve learned.


Based on the quality of outputs you create you may be invited to a panel of interviews made up of staff members and developers at an Andela campus.


Successful applicants are invited to participate in a two-week, simulated development sprint led by senior Andela developers. The two weeks comprise of one week of home-based self-learning and one week of product development on-site at an Andela campus.

You’ll be expected to learn independently as well as on a team to deliver a final project. We’re looking for work ethic, passion, and teamwork.


The highest performing participants are accepted into Andela’s four-year Technical Leadership Program. 

Applications for the next cycle -  Cycle 31 - open on Friday, January 19th, 2018
. Check our website to see the full calendar. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue engaging with our HomeStudy Curriculum as part of your journey to become a world class software developer.

Don't just apply, tell everyone you know!

You can also check out an ode to our favourite project management tools - Slack and Trello. An amazing rap video by Dr. Limitless at Andela aka CEO of RackCity Records; Nadayar Enegesi who gathered together the global Andela squad to bring you - #AndelaSlacknTrello.

At over 800 Andelans across 5 locations (Nairobi, Kampala, Lagos, New York & San Francisco), Andela developers have to collaborate asynchronously, picking up where team members left off without missing a beat. To maintain our flow, we connect to our favorite tools Slack and Trello!

Have a great week ahead and remember to apply on the 19th!

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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