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2020 Global Good Fund Fellow

Updated on May 21, 2020 1040 views
2020 Global Good Fund Fellow


The Global Good Fund creates a better world by investing in society's most innovative entrepreneurs.

Our application process is selective and highly competitive, but also inclusive, constructive and engaging.


The Global Good Fund Fellowship is for innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of positive social impact organizations. This program is for emerging leaders, entrepreneurs who are 40 or under, with diverse ethnic, religious, economic, geographic and gender experiences. Ideal entrepreneurs are in a leadership role, and are dedicated full-time to their organization that's over 1-year-old.


We invest in leaders who invest in the world. Those who dedicate each and every day to helping others, who sometimes forget to prioritize themselves along the way. We want a relationship. We want social entrepreneurs who not only want us, but need us. That’s why we have such an intensive application process.

Our program is specifically designed to develop the leadership skills of social entrepreneurs around the world. So, what does this mean? How do you know if this program is right for you?

We're looking for emerging leaders who:

  • are young (below 40)
  • in a leadership role
  • are dedicated full-time to their organization
  • lead a team
  • run an organization that’s at least 1 year old


We want fellows who are fully able to commit to us and our program. We want fellows who seek mentorship, who are eager to be coached. The younger the social entrepreneur, the greater the potential for long-term impact, and the more likely they are to be in need of mentoring. These are the social entrepreneurs who need us. Ones who need their leadership skills tuned and honed to best drive their team and enterprise onto greater success.

So, let’s say you’ve decided this is the perfect program for you.


We have three steps/phases to find the social entrepreneurs who need us.

  1. Phase I: May-June
    1. A generic, easy-to-answer questionnaire to make sure you meet our very basic criteria. This phase is important to get a general sense of who you are and your business. It also helps us see how interested you really are in our program. Do you just want to add us onto your resume, or do you really have a desire to join our family and work on your leadership skills?
  2. Phase II: July-August
    1. If you’ve met all of our criteria, or have given reasonable explanation as to why you don’t meet a certain criteria, you will usually move on. The next phase is composed of a more comprehensive survey to learn the extent of your business, your role, and the social impact your organization is having and hopes to have.
  3. Phase III: October/November
    1. Once we’ve made our selections from Phase II applicants, we invite them onto our final phase – a video conference interview between our staff with a volunteer, and the applicant with either a team member or community member who has been impacted by them or their organization. This phase helps us connect with you on a deeper level, and learn why you want to join our program. It also allows us to see the impact you are having on your team or in your community. Once this phase has been completed, we select our finalists.


First, if you don’t meet most of our criteria, it is highly likely that this program isn’t for you.

Second, tell us your need for this program! Why would you start a relationship with someone who isn’t interested in you? That’s how it is here. We want to be wanted.

Lastly, this application process is a long journey. If you don’t make it to the next phase, or you aren’t selected, it’s because we get so many incredible applicants. It's not because we don’t believe in you or your mission. Regardless of whether or not you’re accepted into our program, we want you to succeed. We want you to continue having social impact in your community. Don’t let it discourage you. You never know – next year may just be the year you join the GGF family.


We want fellows who are fully able to commit to us and our program. We want fellows who seek mentorship, who are eager to be coached and posses a growth mindset. Social entrepreneurs who are scaling their enterprises and looking to develop leadership skills to best drive their businesses and teams to success.


Phase I: Preliminary Questionnaire

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2020

Phase I consists of a preliminary questionnaire that is reviewed for alignment with Fellowship criteria.

In order to be considered for the fellowship, candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Enterprise that the candidate leads is at least one-year old;

  • Enterprise must have at least one full-time employee in addition to the candidate;

  • Candidate is under 40 years of age (if 40 or older, explain rationale for joining fellowship);

  • Candidate should not be currently receiving formal coaching/mentoring support;

  • Candidate has to be in a position where s/he has decision making power.

Candidates who meet the requirements will be invited to participate in Phase II of the application process.

Phase II: Comprehensive Application

Submission Deadline: August 10, 2020

Phase II of the application has a video and written component.

You will be asked to record a short that addresses the following topics: 

  • Your motivation to set-up your enterprise
  • The mission and objectives of your enterprise
  • The reasons why you and your enterprise are unique
  • and address a specific problem more effectively than other enterprises.

You will provide written answers to questions that assess your leadership, the enterprise, and social impact. 
Each candidate’s video and written application will be reviewed and scored on a 1-5 scale, 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest score. Candidates with the highest cumulative scores will advance to Phase III.

Phase III: Interview

Scheduled October 1 - October 31, 2020
Part III of the application consists of a 30-minute video interview. Candidates will be required to invite 1 attendee to their interview. This must be someone who knows the candidate and their work. It can be a colleague or a community member impacted by their work. Both the candidate and attendee are expected to be present throughout the  interview. 

Finalists will be notified about their selection results by December 2020.

For more information please contact

More Details Can be Found on the Global Fund Website

Application Link

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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