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Facebook Accelerator: Commerce

Updated on Aug 10, 2020 917 views
Facebook Accelerator: Commerce

At Facebook, our focus has long been to bring people together and build community. We are committed to the startup ecosystem and believe that by connecting, training, and growing entrepreneurs through our programs, Facebook can empower people to solve relevant, meaningful  problems.

In this critical time, Facebook is doubling down on commerce and accelerating its work to enable every business to sell online and help people gain inspiration, discover and buy the products they love. Our commerce vision is one unified shopping experience across all Facebook apps. We can’t achieve this alone, so we are looking for startups to build technology with us.
Facebook Accelerator: Commerce is a 12-week non-equity program supporting innovative commerce startups who renew shopping experiences for buyers and sellers. 

Commerce solutions we are looking for:

  • Technology that makes it quick and
  • easy for companies to upload and manage inventory online
  • Solutions that enrich product catalog functionality and intelligence
  • Shopping experiences that help buyers in their consideration phase to make more informed purchasing decisions
  • New and interesting solutions that drive inno
  • vation and enhanced shopping experiences

Commerce startups we are looking for

  • Headquartered in Europe, Middle East or Africa
  • B2B or B2B2C startups with Seed to Series A maturity
  • Evidence of significant progress in business growth and revenue
  • Product that is focused on driving value for customers
  • Groundbreaking technology or research 
  • Diverse and focused leadership team that is hungry to learn from and collaborate with Facebook

Program benefits


You will have a dedicated Facebook mentor who will provide guidance on product development and business growth.


You will benefit form a comprehensive content program covering product innovation and business growth in the commerce space.


You will have a family of products and technologies at your disposal geared to help your business grow. 


You will have an opportunity to connect with talented founders of innovative commerce startups in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and deepen connections with Facebook experts representing various fields of expertise.

Why Facebook? 

It is our priority to keep building our business by supporting the millions of businesses that rely on our services to grow. By supporting talented startups, we make more impact toward our own mission, deepen our understanding of the challenges that startups are working to solve, and grow our network of future partners. 
We offer you equity-free support in return for helping us achieve these goals. 
Our greatest strength is our people. We offer startups access to some of the most brilliant and experienced technical and business experts at Facebook. Our mentors include previous CEOs, successful startup founders, and technology experts with over 20 years of experience. 

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Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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