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Highest Paying Jobs In Nigeria 2024

Updated on Jan 13, 2024 186180 views
Highest Paying Jobs In Nigeria 2024

In spite of Nigeria’s disconcerting poverty rate, a significant amount of Nigerians earn decent remuneration from their chosen fields. Some of these professions earn in excess of millions and as a result, they are pretty competitive to access. 

These high-paying jobs are influenced by education (course of study, certification etc.), skills and experience. The jobs cut across multinationals, public and private companies as well as businesses. 

In addition to offering exciting perks and benefits, they also pay their workers' attractive wages.

In this post, you would learn about the most financially rewarding jobs in Nigeria, how much they pay and how you can secure them.

Many people consider teaching to be one of the lowest-paying jobs in Nigeria. While this is true in some locations, many teachers in Lagos earn well. Are you looking to land a good-paying teaching job? See the latest teaching jobs in Lagos


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Top 25 Highest Paying Jobs in Nigeria Ranked: 

  1. Surgeon - N420,000
  2. Aeronautical Engineer - N410,000
  3. Project Manager - N321,000
  4. Petroleum Engineer - N294,000
  5. Sailor - N263,000
  6. Pilot - N210,000
  7. Investment Bankers- N194,000
  8. Dentist- N193,000
  9. Software Developer- N153,000
  10. Accountant - N126,000



List of the Highest Paying Jobs in Nigeria Based on Salary

  1. Surgeon

How Much Do Surgeons Earn?

The salary range is N400,000 - N2,500,000.

What is the Role of a Surgeon?

A surgeon is a physician that treats diseases, injuries, ailments or defects via operative methods to restore/improve body tissues. In addition to leading the surgical team of doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, surgical assistants and so on, the surgeon also issues the diagnosis of the patient, for performing the operation, and provides the patient with postoperative care after the surgery treatment together with any required treatment. 

There are different types of surgeons in Nigeria and they all pay well. However, the recent increase in demand for cosmetic surgeries in the country and comparative scarcity of plastic surgeons has made plastic/cosmetic surgery the highest paying surgical profession in Nigeria.      

How to Become a Surgeon

If you are interested in being a surgeon in Nigeria, you would have to study Medicine and surgery in any institution approved by the National Universities Commission. The average length of study is six years in the university, with a year each for horsemanship and National Youth Service. Medicine and Surgery is a very competitive field of study in Nigeria, so you have to perform well in your senior secondary school certificate examination and other relevant examinations.

Check out the latest medical jobs in Nigeria now


2. Petroleum Engineer

How Much Do Petroleum Engineers Earn?

Petroleum engineers earn between N200,000 to N1,000,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Petroleum Engineer?

Given that Nigeria is an oil-producing country, it is of no surprise that petroleum engineers are some of the highest-earning professionals in the country. A petroleum engineer designs and develops methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits below the surface of the Earth.

It is the duty of a petroleum engineer to determine how much oil and gas is in a reservoir, what method is most suitable for extraction and the duration for which it would last. 

How to Become a Petroleum Engineer 

As stated earlier, Nigeria’s membership of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is a huge contributor to the high remuneration of petroleum engineers. It is for this reason, also, that the field is highly competitive to get into. To become a petroleum engineer, you would undergo a five-year course at any approved institution in the country and acquire appropriate certification.

Check out the latest Oil and Gas Jobs in Nigeria 


3. Aircraft Pilot

How Much Do Pilots Earn?

The average monthly remuneration for a First Officer ranges from N200,000 to N500,000 per month, while captains are, on a monthly basis, paid between N500,000 – N3,000,000.

What is the Role of a Pilot?

A pilot/aviator is the person who controls the flight of an aircraft. Pilots fly and navigate aeroplanes, cargo planes, helicopters and other types of aircraft. They are responsible for the safety of passengers and goods being transported as well as managing the crew team.

How to Become a Pilot

If you wish to be a pilot in Nigeria, it would cost you a pretty penny. Aviation schools typically charge between N7million to N10 million for flying courses. In all, it would take about four years to complete your training in any of the Federal Aviation Authority approved aviation schools.


 4. Software Developer

How Much Do Software Developers Earn?

The average salary of software developers in Nigeria ranges from N134,000 to N400,000

What is the Role of a Software Developer?

Software development has to do with a set of activities that involve creating, designing, deploying and supporting software.

Software developers are responsible for computer programs. They determine a need and then proffer a solution by analyzing, designing, testing and developing software that solves this need. They also design application systems and ensure they run smoothly.

How to Become a Software Developer

To become a software developer, a degree in computer science is recommended but not compulsory. The knowledge of at least one programming language, as well as interest in learning, is enough to get you started as a software developer. 

There’s a caveat, though. Software development is an ever-evolving profession; so, you have to stay up-to-beat by regularly updating your knowledge and acquiring relevant certificates.

Check out the latest IT Jobs in Nigeria today


5. Investment Banker

How Much Do Investment Bankers Earn?

The financial sector is well known for its attractive salaries; investment and private banking take it a step higher. The monthly take-home of an investment banker is between N300,000 – N500,000 month.

What is the Role of an Investment Banker?

Investment bankers act as middlemen to governments, companies and agencies. They help them raise funds by issuing stocks and securing loans. 

Basically, they are charged with raising capital investments. As an investment banker, you can find employment in hedge funds, private, commercial and investment banks, asset management agencies, consulting firms and so on

 How to Become an Investment Banker

The interesting thing about investment banking is that there is no specific degree requirement for it. In other words, regardless of the course of your study, you can still pursue a career as an investment banker. 

Check out the latest banking Jobs in Lagos now


 6. Telecommunications Engineer

How Much Do Telecommunications Engineers Earn?

As technology is growing rapidly in Nigeria and telecommunication subscribers are growing by the second; this leads to high demand for telecoms engineers and a correspondingly high salary range of N200,000 – N1,000,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Telecommunications Engineer?

Telecommunications engineers (usually shortened to telecoms engineers) are skilled in the management of data gotten from voice calls, video calls and texts. They also design and install telecommunications equipment and manage these means of communication to ensure a seamless flow of information.

How to Become a Telecommunications Engineer

Telecommunications is a large field of engineering that largely combines both electrical and electronics engineering and computer science. So, a degree in either field from a recognized institution would qualify you for any opening. It is mentioned that any technical know-how related to this field can also fit in for recruitment.

Check out the latest telecommunications jobs in Nigeria now


7. Aeronautical Engineer

How Much Do Aeronautical Engineers Earn?

The monthly salary range of an aeronautical engineer is N350,000 – N700,000.

What is the Role of an Aeronautical Engineer?

An aeronautical engineer is concerned with the design, development, construction and maintenance of aircraft (including spacecraft, missiles, navigation and weapon systems). In other words, they deal with the technical side of aviation.

They calculate aircraft timescales, write manuals, calculate operating costs, evaluate flight safety, fuel efficiency and carbon emissions. 

How to Become an Aeronautical Engineer 

Aeronautical engineering and its sister field, aerospace engineering are both very technical fields and only a handful of institutions in Nigeria offer them or a variant. Some of them are Air Force Institute Kaduna, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Kwara State University, Lagos State University and Afe Babalola University.


8. Accountant

How Much Do Accountants Earn?

Accountants in Nigeria earn between N140,000 – N1,500,000 each month.

What is the Role of an Accountant?

An accountant prepares and reviews financial records. It is your duty as an accountant to audit an establishment’s books and records in order to ensure accuracy. They also make sure that taxes are filed appropriately and that the company is in compliance with appropriate financial regulations so as to ensure a smooth running of the business.

How to Become an Accountant

If you want to become an accountant, you would study accountant at any accredited institution. Universities in Nigeria usually run a four-year accounting programme, after which it highly recommend you acquire professional certification. Without being certified by any of the recognized bodies (ICAN, ANAN, CIMA and ACCS), you would not be able to practice accounting professionally or at the very least, you would not be able to practice at a reputable company.

Check out the latest accounting jobs in Nigeria now


9. Lawyer

How Much Do Lawyers Earn? 

Although it is arguably not as financially rewarding as it was at some point, Nigerian lawyers still earn enough money to place themselves in the upper-middle class of society. The monthly salary of Nigerian lawyers in standard firms falls between N150,000 to N1,100,000.

What is the Role of a Lawyer?

A lawyer, also known as an attorney, barrister, notary and counsellor, provides legal advice and assistance, acts as prosecutor or defence attorney in court, gathers relevant information, prepare legal documents (wills, contracts, wills and so on).

How to Become a Lawyer

The legal profession is very structured in Nigeria. So, to become a lawyer, you must first bag a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from an accredited university. The course runs for five years, after which you will spend a year at the Nigerian law school before you become a  certified member of the Nigerian Bar.

Check out the latest legal jobs in Nigeria


10. Pharmacist

How Much Do Pharmacists Earn?

A fresh graduate of pharmacy commands a salary range of N120,000 to N180,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Pharmacist?

A pharmacist is a healthcare professional who specializes in the safe and productive use of medicines. Pharmacists dispense medicines and are charged with making sure that the medicine is legal and is prescribed with a suitable dosage; overseeing the supply of medicine; giving medical advice to patients and collaborating with other healthcare professionals to save lives.

How to Become a Pharmacist 

If you want to pursue a pharmaceutical career in Nigeria, you would undergo a five-year education in an accredited university to earn a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm). After which you would proceed for a year internship and be inducted into the Pharmacist Council of Nigeria. 

Check out the latest pharmacist jobs in Nigeria now


11. IT Analyst                                                                                                            

How Much Do IT Analysts Earn?

An IT analyst working in Nigeria earns between N176,000 – N492,000. 

What is the Role of an IT Analyst? 

IT analysts are also known as systems analysts. It is their duty to provide technical support to IT users by designing and implementing systems that increase efficiency. The IT analyst ensures the execution of software projects by managing programmers, software developers and other related technology professionals in order to ensure the design is properly executed and within the stated budget.

How to Become an IT Analyst

 To become a data analyst in Nigeria, you need skills related to analytics, mathematics, statistics and computer science and business intelligence.


12. Graphic Designer

How Much Do Graphic Designers Make?

A graphic designer in Nigeria averages 200,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Graphic Designer?

A graphic designer creates design concepts using dedicated computer software or by hand. One of the main purposes of graphic designing is to create visual imagery that appeals to and informs customers so as to ensure patronage. So, graphic designers use the right tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw Graphic Suite, Adobe InDesign, Inkscape, canvas etc. to create fonts, shapes, colours, images, print design, photography, animation, logos, and billboards for the promotion of a brand.

How to Become a Graphic Designer

Although some job openings demand that graphic designers have a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field, it is not mandatory. If you want a career as a graphic designer, you should develop graphic designing skills using the above-stated tools or go for training in any licensed computer training centre or take online courses that are geared towards graphic designing. It is important you have a portfolio that demonstrates your creativity and originality as a designer.

Check out the latest graphic design jobs in Lagos


13. Digital Marketer

How Much Do Digital Marketers Earn?

Digital marketing is a well-paying field in Nigeria. Digital marketers earn between N148,000 to N350,000

What is the Role of a Digital Marketer? 

As the internet has become a central part of human living, digitalized professions have become a mainstay in the labour market. A digital marketer develops, implements and manages marketing campaigns that promote a company and its products and/or services. Basically, the duty of a digital marketer is to make sure that a company’s online presence activity harmonizes with that of the offline. Content strategy, search engine optimization, tech team coordination and social media management are among the key responsibilities of a digital marketer.

How to Become a Digital Marketer

While a background in marketing may help, recruiters typically value experience over certification when hiring digital marketers. You can easily take an online course in digital to hone your skills.

Check out the latest digital marketing jobs


14. Social Media Influencer

How Much Do Social Media Influencers Earn?

Since social media influencers earn a large share of their income through sponsored posts, there is no fixed amount. However, micro-influencers in Nigeria earn between N20,000 to N50,000 per sponsored post, while macro-influencers earn between N300,000 to N600,000.

What is the Role of a Social Media Influencer?

Social media influences are a product of 21st Century technological advancement. An influencer is a person who has the power to impact the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. 

How to Become a Social Media Influencer

  • You can become a social media influencer by doing the following:
  • Picking a niche
  • Growing your following/audience
  • Constantly engaging your following with relevant and constant content
  • Indicate that you are a business account and/or influencer
  • Your contact details should be legible on your page/easily accessible
  • If brand deals are not forthcoming, you can either sign in to an influencer management company and/or message brands directly to indicate  partnership interest  


15. Medical Doctor 

How Much Do Medical Doctors  Earn?

N180,000 –N1,500,000 per month (depending on your specialization)

What is the Role of a Medical Doctor?

Perhaps, the most common description of a doctor is a person who saves lives. While this is not untrue, it does not paint the whole picture. A doctor is a medical practitioner that applies the principles and procedures of medicine to prevent, diagnose, care for and treat patients with illness, disease and injury and to maintain physical and mental health.

How to Become a Doctor

If you want to practice medicine in Nigeria, you must study medicine at any accredited university in Nigeria for six years, do a year of housemanship and be inducted.


16. Anesthesiologist

How Much Do Anesthesiologists Earn?

The salary of an Anesthesiologist in Nigeria is between N173,000 and N549,000.

What is the Role of an Anesthesiologist?

Anesthesiologists assess, screen and oversee understanding consideration previously, during and after a medical procedure, conveying sedation, driving the Anesthesia Care Team and guaranteeing ideal patient security. Doctor anesthesiologists represent considerable authority in sedation care, torment the board and basic consideration medication.

How to Become an Anesthesiologist

You need to earn an MBBS from an accredited university to become an anesthesiologist.        


17. Psychiatrist

How Much Do Psychiatrists Earn?

N160,000 –N849,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists survey the entirety of your psychological and physical indications. They make an analysis and work with you to build up an administration plan for your treatment and recuperation. They also give mental treatment, recommend prescriptions and do techniques, for example, electroconvulsive procedure.

How to Become a Psychiatrist in Nigeria

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine. So, all the requirements to earn an MBBS apply as well.


18. Oncologist

How Much Do Oncologists  Earn?

Oncology specialists earn an average of N530,000 a month.

What is the Role of an Oncologist?

An oncologist is a specialist who treats malignant growth (cancer) and gives clinical consideration to an individual diagnosed with the disease. The field of oncology has three significant zones: clinical, surgical, and radiation.

How to Become an Oncologist

Oncology is a specialized branch of medicine that requires additional research work to the seven years it takes to bag the MBBS in Nigeria.


19. Dentist

How Much Do Dentists Earn?

The average salary of a dentist in Nigeria is N250,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Dentist?

Dentists analyze and treat dental issues and assist patients with growing better oral cleanliness regimens. They clean teeth, perform medical procedures and extractions and perform different obligations to guarantee that the teeth and mouth are healthy.

How to Become a Dentist

To earn a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree in Nigeria takes 6 years. 


20. Architect

How Much Do Architects Earn?

 N199,000 to N652,000 per month.

What is the Role of an Architect?

Architects make plans for new development undertakings, changes and redevelopments. They utilize their expert development information and elevated level attracting aptitudes to plan structures that are practical, sheltered, feasible and pleasant to the eyes.

How to Become an Architect

A degree or Diploma in Architecture from any ARCON/NIA and NUC accredited institution of higher learning. 

Check out the latest architect jobs in Abuja  or choose jobs for architect jobs in Lagos now


21. Sailor

How Much Do Sailors Earn?

N200,000 – N1,400,000 per month.

What is the Role of a Sailor?

A sailor is someone who works on traveller boats, tankers, and big haulier ships, exploring maritime vessels and helping with the support, activity, and administration of these vessels.

How to Become a Sailor in Nigeria

If you are interested in sailing, you can get basic training from the Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron or any of the accredited private maritime academies scattered across the country.


22. Project Manager

How Much Do Project Managers Earn?

N139,000 – N457,000 per month

What is the Role of a Project Manager?

A project manager coordinates the creation, endorsement of project plans while guaranteeing these activities are on schedule, within the spending plan, and inside the scope.

How to Become a Project Manager

If you want to become a project manager in Nigeria, you will need a degree in project management or a certificate from The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) and the Project Management Institute (PMI)

Check out the latest project manager jobs in Nigeria now


23. Nurse

How Much Do Nurses Earn?

N133,000 - N410,000 per month. 

What is the Role Of a Nurse?

A nurse is a primary caregiver that helps in recording medical history and symptoms, collaborating with the medical teams to care for patients, monitoring patient health and record signs as well as administering medications and treatments.

How to Become a Nurse

To become a nurse in Nigeria, you can either attend a nursing school for three years or a university for five years to earn a degree in Nursing and Midwifery.

Check out the latest nurse jobs in Nigeria


24. Mechanical Engineer

How Much Do Mechanical Engineers Earn?

N150,000 to N500,000 monthly.

What is the Role of a Mechanical Engineer?

Mechanical architects research, plan, create, fabricate, and test mechanical and warm sensors and gadgets, including tools, engines and machines.

How to Become a Mechanical Engineer

In order to be a practising mechanical engineer, you must earn a degree or diploma from an accredited institution.

Check out the latest mechanical engineering jobs in Nigeria


25. Civil Engineer

How Much Do Civil Engineers Earn?

N132,000 – N450,000

What is the Role of a Civil Engineer?

Civil engineers create, improve and secure the environment. They design, plan and supervise development and upkeep of building structures and frameworks, for example, streets, railroads, air terminals, spans, harbours, dams, water system ventures, power plants, and water and sewerage systems. They likewise plan and assemble tall structures and enormous structures that can withstand every single climate condition.

How to Become a Civil Engineer

To become a practising mechanical engineer in Nigeria, you must earn a degree or diploma from an accredited institution.

While these jobs pay generously across the board, it is important to note that your level of education, years of experience, level of productivity among other factors affect how much you are paid. This article gives an insight into what the pay package for entry-level jobs is. 

You can take a further step by browsing for hotnigerianjobs today.

Also, find out the pay packages of employees across various industries and agencies on Mysalaryscale


Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

10 Comment(s)

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  • Ommans Nwanro
    Ommans Nwanro Jan 23, 2022

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  • Lil.promzy
    Lil.promzy Feb 11, 2022

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    Afolabi Temiloluwa olamide Mar 08, 2022

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    Egbecha Mercy Mar 31, 2022

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  • Paul Oyewole
    Paul Oyewole Feb 04, 2023

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  • Ochuko Evidence
    Ochuko Evidence Apr 25, 2023

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  • Paul Oyewole
    Paul Oyewole Dec 02, 2023

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  • Emonena Elkanah
    Emonena Elkanah Jan 27, 2024

    Nice content, 

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